25 JUNE 1932, Page 2

Mr. Baldwin on Monday, in reply to a question, repeated

the Prime Minister's assertion that it is " the imperative duty" of private citizens and employers to maintain the ordinary employment which they give tolabour and that "wise and courageous spending" is an obligation upon all, " where their incomes will bear it." But this well- meant advice would be more cordially received if the Government were to do its part. To the average citizen overburdened with taxes and rates which, in many eases: he pays from a loan or an overdraft, it seems a mockery to be told to spend wisely and courageously. We should all gladly buy more goods and employ more labour if the State would abate its crushing demands upon our purses; Drastic economies in national and local administration are the essential prelude to that revival of spending which is so much desired. The Conservative Members who are organizing themselves as official watchdogs will have general good wishes with them in their work. But any serious sacrifice of the standard of life is a matter of high policy, raising something far wider than merely financial questions.