25 JUNE 1937, Page 1


HERR HITLER deserves some at least of the credit for the rapid and satisfactory solution of the French political crisis. It was no doubt reckoned at Berlin that confusion would have prevailed longer at Paris, and but for Berlin it might have. But in face of the German action over Spain France could not afford the appearance of instability, and M. Chautemps is assured of a good reception for his Ministry in all quarters. It is a good Ministry. As a Senator and a Radical M. Chautemps will stand better with the Senate than M. Blum, while all M. Blum's great personal influence Will be still available in the Chamber. The Communists are continuing their support and the Socialists are serving for the first time under a Radical Prime Minister M. Delbos remains at the Foreign Office, where he has done excellent work, and the three Defence Ministers are unchanged. The only notable alteration is at the Ministry of Finance, where the Socialist M. Vincent- Auriol is replaced by the Radical M. Bonnet. That un- doubtedly strengthens the Cabinet. M. Bonnet is recalled to the Treasury from his special mission to the United States and he therefore brings with him peculiar knowledge of American views on international financial co-operation. He also had the advantage of seeing M. van Zeeland before he left New York. The Chautemps Cabinet has a formid- able financial problem bequeathed to it, and drastic and unpopular taxation is inevitable, but industry will accept from a Radical Ministry what it would not from a Socialist. M. Blum, _for NI Inm has been created the post of Vice- Premier in the new Cabinet, deserves the thanks not only of France but of the whole world for his maintenance of peace and stability through his year of office.

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