[To the Editor of TIM SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The statement in Mr.
W. M. Crook's article on Irelansl that Mr. de Valera has appointed the Provost of Trinity College to a scat in the new Senate is likely to cause a little confusion. What Mr. de Valera's plans for the future may be I do not know, but it seems clear that he cannot appoint anybody to the Senate until the acceptance of the Constitution by the country provides the machinery to bring a Senate into existence, and then only if he becomes the Taoiseach, or Prime Minister. Moreover, the selection of Dr. Thrift as one of the eleven members to be nominated by the Taoiseach would be additional to the election on a franchise of three members for the University.
May I add that your correspondent is a little severe on the "Dublin wits" in offering as an example of their bon mots the statement that Mr. de Valera has been in the habit of listening attentively to Dr. Thrift's speeches ? There is nothing essentially humorous in the idea that he should value the views of an eminent scholar who has been in the Dail for fifteen years. The Dublin wits have to be much funnier than that if they are