, [To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] .
SIR,—May I be permitted to correct a statement made in a leading article in your issue of June tith?
Prisoners' wages will not amount at any, time to the figure of 2s. 6d. weekly.
It was my privilege, as librarian at H.M. Prison, Chelmsford, to prepare the draft schedule of wages, and the highest sum earnable is Is. per week, of which a contribution will be deducted towards a Common Fund. This Common Fund will be administered, by the Governor, and used to defray the maintenance of wireless and games equipment.
The average prisoner will be paid on a flat rate scale which will approximate to 7cl. weekly .(less contribution to the Common Fund), and there will be a large number of prisoners who will earn only 3d. weekly. No prisoner is eligible to earn a wage until he has completed twelve months of his
East Lodge, Park Row, Albert Gate, S.W. I.