The Week in Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes : Mr.
Shinwell's memorandum was scarcely a surprise even to those outside the Labour Party. For some time it has been widely felt that the attacks of the Opposition front bench lack sting. This was particularly noticable when the National Defence Con- tribution was jettisoned and Mr. Attlee rose to congratulate the Prime Minister on having yielded to the will of the House. While everyone welcomed the withdrawal, it was surprising that the Leader of His Majesty's Opposition did not improve the occasion with a few remarks on the competence of a Ministry whose budgetary proposals had been so riddled with criticism. Even on the Committee Stage of the Finance Bill, when the offending clauses were deleted, it was left to Sir Stafford Cripps to point the moral and adorn the tali No doubt the Government was wise to give way. But it is felt by their opponents that Ministers should never have been allowed to retreat in such good order. * * * *