25 JUNE 1948, Page 17

Bird Circulation The circulation of birds grows patently every year

in this bird-loving island ; witness individual experience, the number of books, letters and articles, and indeed of organisations concerned with their welfare. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds finds a large public for its coloured prints of birds (3d. each), as does—at Christmas—the Norfolk Naturalists Trust. Bird photographers are legion, and a good many begin to rival even Mr. Eric Hosking. This month a popular bi-monthly magazine, Birds, is published (16s. a year, 15, Creechurch Lane, E.C.3), which will deal exclusively with birds in all their activities. The first issue, for June and July, suggests that incidentally it will be a sort of bird anthology. There is found in it, for example, an admirable verdict on the rook by Charles Waterton, a naturalist who ought never to be forgotten. He was described as " a gentleman who watches the habits of animals so minutely that, I believe, he knows what they think." Waterton was a historian as well as an observer, and gives peculiarly interesting records on the sufferings of farmers in the Americas due to the destruction of insect-eating birds.