Dead and buried
Sir: Mr George Hutchinson in your issue of 11 June confines me (with Sir Oswald Mosley) to the 'pantheon', which my dictionary defines as 'a building where the nation's famous dead are buried or have memorials'. He well knows that reports of our deaths are exaggerated as letters from Sir Oswald have appeared in your columns in recent weeks and Mr Hutchinson and I have spoken to each other on the telephone in the same period.
The absurd suggestion that National. Front is descended from Sir Oswald Mosley or his pre-war British Union movement has been effectively answered by my letter in the Daily Telegraph of 13 May and letters fl'em Sir Oswald and me in The Times of 24 May, so I will not inflict the long argument n u your readers. But do please publish this letter to protect my poor wife from further letters of condolence on my untimely death. • ffreY Hamm lacretary, Union Movement, 76a Rochester Row, London SW1