Cape of Good Hope papers have been received at the
North and South American Coffeehouse, to the 24th January ; a week later than those previously received. At the date of the last accounts, Colonel Hare was constructing rafts to cross the Orange river, in his expedition against the Anglo-Dutch rebels. The Boers appear to have made an effort to induce a simultaneous attack on the colony by the Caffre tribes on the border ; and for that purpose they had spread reports that they had defeated the troops sent against them. The Gaika tribes are said to have fallen into the snare ; the overt symptom being, that they had commenced their usual course of predatory warfare by stealing cattle from the border-farms : but the depredations of the natives on the fron- tier are a standing grievance.
At an entertainment given in Cape Town to the officers of the Dutch frigate Palembourg, Mr. Van Breda, a member of the Legislative Coun- cil, presiding, the health of the Queen was proposed ; when the com- pany, with few exceptions, inverted their glasses, with groans and cries of" No, no !"