25 MARCH 1843, Page 11



The only public transaction of importance during the week, has been a large purchase of Consols by the broker for the Court of Bankruptcy ; but not- withstanding this operation, the market has declined, and closes today about

per cent below the quotations of last Saturday. An under-current of supply clearly exists somewhere ; and it is surmised that ajobber, who has sold largely has been acting for the broker of a very influential class of capitalists, who will not appear publicly in the market himself. The New Three-and-a-half per Cents have evinced a tendency to decline, and have fluctuated about per cent. Bank Stock is lower, being quoted at about 2 per cent below the highest recent prices. There has been a trifling demand for money, and in consequence Ex- chequer Bills have fallen : after being at 63, they close today at 64 to 66 premium. The financial agency of the Portuguese Government have given notice to the holders of Regency Stock, that unless they convert their Bonds before the 30th June next, " They will not be allowed the benefit of receiving the dividends for the preceding half-year upon the arrears of interest as heretofore, but only from the time they carry the conversion into effect." Such of the stockholders' therefore, as fall under the operation of this notice, will lose 16s. 8d. per cent upon the Regency Five per Cents, and 9s. 9d. per cent upon the Three per Cents. The number will be however very small in any case, and we have

little doubt that nearly the whole of the remaining stock outstanding, about 1,000,000, will be converted before the period referred to.

The Lords of the Treasury have disposed of the whole amount of silver as yet received for the Chinese indemnity to the Bank of England, at 4s. 1 Id. per ounce. This arrangement has very materially disappointed some of the prin- cipal bullion-dealers ; who were in expectation of forcing the Government to sell at 4s. 101d. an ounce, considering it highly improbable that the Bank would in- crease its very large amount of bullion by any additional purchase. The bar- gain will doubtless be a profitable one, as the demand for silver on the Conti- nent is very great, and at the present price there is a profit of 14 per cent upon its exportation. The exchanges gave way slightly on Tuesday and today, in consequence of the demand for bills occasioned by the disappointed dealers being compelled to adopt that mode of remittance, instead of exporting the Chinese silver. The effect produced will however be only transient ; as, though silver is in demand for exportation, gold is continually pouring in from all parts of the world.

The Northern European and better class of Foreign Stocks have given way slightly, in consequence of the depression of the English Funds; but there has been scarcely any business of importance. Dutch Two-and.alalf per Cents have given way, and the Five per Cents have improved slightly. The public notification by the agents of the Mexican Government, that they have not in band sufficient funds for the payment of the dividend becoming due on 1st April next, has not produced much effect upon the price of the Stock ; as it has been long known that the payment of the dividend is impossible. The transactions in the Bonds have been few, and the real holders generally do not appear inclined to sell. Spanish Stock has as usual been the subject of much fluctuation, and the tendency has been downwards. An impulse Was however given to the market this morning by the speech of M. Gomm and the prospect which he afforded of a cooperation of France and Eng- land in settling the long-vexed affairs of the Peninsula. The result of the week's operations has been to establish nearly the same quotations as on Saturday last, after the price has been depressed about per Cent below them. Portuguese Converted Stock is per cent lower, with little business doing ; the speculators in many cases being unwilling to risk the arrival of the next Lisbon mail, which will bring the decision of the Portuguese Government upon the Tariff question : in some quarters it is anticipated that this deter- mination will be unfavourable.

The Share-market has not been in a state of such activity as recently. Some of the Railways have declined ; Birmingham having been done at 209, which is from 41. to 51. below recent quotations ; Great Western, South- western, and Brighton, are also about IL lower, as are the Shares generally. The Shares of two new French lines of Railway are about to appear in our market; one, viz. that from Paris to Lyons, is introduced by Messrs. CHARLES DEVADX and Co.; the other is that from Paris to Lisle, in which the Messrs. ROTHSCHILD are largely interested. The determination of the shareholders of the Del Monte Mining Company to capitalize the interest on the Loan-notes has caused a decline of 1/. in the Shares; which have been done at 6/. We have not heard of any transactions in the Loan-notes.


The English Funds are at yesterday's prices, as are Exchequer Bills. The only variation in Foreign Funds is in Spanish Stock; which at the commence- ment of business fell per cent below the closing prices of yesterday, but have improved in consequence of extensive purchases, principally by brokers who are employed by Dutch houses: the advance in price has been more than per cent from the lowest quotation; and the price of Active Five per Cents is now 234 4, and of Three per Cents 324 I. The transactions in Shares have not been important : prices are, however, lower. Birmingham being 208, a decline of 11. since yesterday. The other Railways are also heavy. We can only notice the following bargains: Del Monte Mining, Unregistered, 6i i; British North American Bank, 25; Railways—Eastern Counties, 94 ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 494 ; Great Western, 694 69; Birmingham, 208; South-western, 647; South-eastern and Dover, 25.


The English Funds close at rather lower prices than in the morning, and at four o'clock there were sellers of Consols for Account at 96i. In the Foreign Market, there has occurred an inquiry for the Bonds of the old Greek Loans, which are quoted nominally at 12 to 14; but we cannot learn that any trans- actions have occurred. Spanish Stock has improved still further during the afternoon; the quotation of Three per Cents having been as high as 331, marking an advance of 14 per cent upon the lowest prices of the day : the Active Stock has not partaken of the movement to so great an extent, the highest quotation having only shown an advance of about u per cent : prices gave way slightly before the close ; last quotations Three per Cents, 321 3 ; Five per Cents, 23/ 4. We have to notice the following transactions in Shares. Del Monte Mining, Unregistered, 64 4 I. Provincial Bank of Ireland, 43 ; Union Bank of Austra- lia, New, 54 ; General Steam Navigation, 27*. Railways—Eastern Counties, 94; Ditto, New, 111`77; Ditto, Debentures, 111 i ; Great Western, 94 ; Ditto, New, 694 69; Ditto, Fifths, 18 ; Brighton, 35 47 5 ; Croydon, 114 7 ; Manchester and Leeds, 784 94; Ditto, New, 344 It ; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 54 i ; Manchester and Birmingham, 217; Northern and Eastern, 344 5; Ditto, Scrip, 24 ; South-eastern and Dover, 24:. 3 per Cent Consols 96} / Chilian Deferred 31 3 Ditto for Account 961 4 Colombian 6 per Cents,1824. 26 4 3 per Cent Reduced shut Danish 3 per Cents 86} 71

3} per Cent Ditto shut Dutch 2} per Cents 55} 6

New 3} per Cents 102} } Ditto 5 per Cents 102} 2 Bank Stock for Account 185 Mexican 5 per Cents Consd . 30} I Exchequer Bills prem 63 5 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 39} I India Stock 261}} 9 Russian 5 per Cents 1131 14}

Brazilian 5 per Cents 80 81 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 231 }

Belgian 5 per Cents 104} 5} Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 321 3

Chilian 6 per Cents 90 2

It is reported today that some of the parties who were in treaty to buy the Chinese silver of the Government, but who were outbidden by the Bank of England, have applied to purchase the silver of the Bank at an advance, but that the Directors have refused to sell at present, anticipating an increase of the demand and a still higher profit than the one now offered. It is also stated that a sort of combination was formed among the more influential merchants connected with this branch of traffic, by which they hoped to get the silver at their own price, and determined not to offer more than 4s. 104d. per ounce : this manmuvre was defeated, as we have already stated, by the Bank purchasing the whole at 4s. 11d. The merchants have now, when it is too late, discovered their error ; which was certainly a gross one, for notwithstanding the very great demand for the metal, the price given by the Bank is as low a one as has been noted for some years.