WAR•OFPICE, March 24.-Royal Regiment of Horse Guards-Lieutenant Lord Al- gernon Percy Banks St. Maur to be Captain by purchase. vice Tvrell. who retires; Cornet 11. S. Bernie to be Lieuteuaut by purchase, vice St. Maur; the Houourable A. Grant to be Cornet by purchase, vice Raillie. 2d Regiment of Dragoon Guards- Surgeon. W. Steele, from the 16th Foot, to be Surgeon, vice Dawn, dec.; Assist.- Surg. T. II. Wheeler. from the 67th Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Home. promoted to the Staff. 5th Regt. Drag. Guards-Assist.-Surg. D. Aleck, from the 7th Drag. Guards, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Power, who exchanges. 7th Regt. of Drag. Guards- Assist.-Surg. W. J. Power, from the 5th Drag. Guards, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Atka, who exchanges; J. B. Minikin. Gad., Acting Veterinary Surg. to the Dep6t of the 1st Drag. Guards, to be Veterinary Surg. vice J. Schroeder, who retires upon half-pay. 16th Regt. Light Drags.-G. A. Foster, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Gongh, promoted in the 7th Foot. 1st Regt. Fold Gaurds-Lieut. and Capt. J. A. Lambert to be Adjt. vice the Hon. A. Gordon. who resigns the Adjutantcy only. 7th Fuot-Cer- net G. S. Gough, from the 16th Light Drags. to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Walker, who retires. 10th Foot-Brevet Lieut.-Col. J. Luard, from the 91st Foot, to be Lieut.- Col. without purchase, vice Power. dec. To be Majors, without purchase-Capt. W. M. Wetenhall, vice Broom, dec.; Capt. C. L. Strickland, vice Galloway, dec. To be Capts. without purchase -Lieut. Wright. vice Wetenhall; Lieut. E. Shanty, vice Strickland. To be Lieuts. without purchase-Ensign J. Taylor, vice Wright ; Ensign J. Bendyshe, from the 62d Foot, vice Fitegerald. dec. To be Eusigu-J. T. Chandler, Gent. vice Taylor. 13th Foot-Capt. II. N. Vigors to be Major, without purchase. vice Taylor, dec.; Lieut. R. G. Burslem to be Capt. vice Vigors ; Ensign W. F. Stehelia to be Lieut. vice Burslem. 14th Foot-J. Horne, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Hall. who retires; J. D. Swinburue, Gent. to lie Easigu without purchase, vice Horne, appointed to the71st Foot. 16th Foot-Capt E. Jodrell, from the 16th Foot, to be Capt. vice Bruce, who exchanges • Surg. T. Young, from half-pay, 71st Foot. to be Surg. vice Steele, appointed to the 21 Drag. Guards. 18th Foot-Capt. J. Brace, from the 16th Foot. to be Capt. vice Jodrell, who exchanges. To be Lieuts. without purchase -Ensign J. Elliott, vice Cochrane, dec. ; Ensign M. J. Hayman, vice Edwards. dec. ; Ensigu H. A. Ward. vice Elliot, whose promotion, on the 24th October 1842, has been cancelled. 21st Foot-Brevet Major W. J. Sutherland to be Major, without purchase, vice Luard, promoted to the 10th Foot ; Lieut. J. Adamson, from the 40th Foot, to he Capt. vice Sutherland. 63d Foot-C. H. Bell. Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Parke, who resigns. 71st Foot-Ensign Sir T. Erskine. Bart. to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Whittingharn, dec. ; Ensign J. Home. from the 14th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Sir T. Erskine. 81st Fout-To be Eusigus, without purchase-C. E. Goodwin, Gent. vice Fleming, who resigns; H. T. Sibaru, Gent. vice Polder, promoted in the 2d West India Regt. 84th Foot-Lieut. T. Bridge to be Capt. without purchase, vice Dickson, dec. ; Ensign R. Feilden to be Lieut. vice Bridge; Ensign T. Horne, from the 41st Foot, to be Eusign, vice Feilden. 97th Foot- Lieut. G. Griffin, from the 324 Foot, to be Paymaster, vice O'Neill. appointed to a Company in the 97th Regt. 98th Foot-Staff- Assist.-Surg. W. W. Weld to be Assist.-Surg. vice Wheeler, whose appoint- ment has been cancelled.
2d West India Regt.-Ensign E. Peltier, from the 81st Foot, to he Lieut. without purchase, vice Dennis, appointed to the 28th Foot. Hospital Staff-Assist. Surg. A. G. Hume. M.D. from the 23 Drag. Guards, to be Staff Surg. of the Second Class, vice Graves, appointed to the 7th Dragoon Guards; W. M•Carthy, Gent. to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces, vice Weld, appointed to the 98:h Foot.
Garrisons-Lient. W. Mason, of the Royal Newfoundland Companies, to be Fort Major at St. John's Newfoundland, vice Wieburgh. resigned.
Commissariat-Commissariat-Clerk. E. Thomson to be a Deputy Assistant-Com- missary-General.