ARRIVED—At Gravesend, 20th March, Malacca, Conant, from Bombay ; and 22d, Favourite, Rezey, from Mauritius. In the Downs, 21st, Lady Valiant, Turner, from Mauritius ; and 23d, Kirkman Finlay, Potter, from Ceylon. At Bristol, 20th, Essex, Roxby, from Mauritius. At Bombay, 6th February, William Darley, Calumet', from Hull; and 14th, Quentin Leitch, Potter, from Liverpool. At Madras, 5th, Vernon. Voss, from London ; 7th, Helvellyn, Oliver, from Liverpool; and 10th, Wellington, Vellacott, from London. At Calcutta, let, Earl of Hardwick, Brown, from London; and 6th, Hero, Henderson, from Gloucester. SAILED—From Gravesend, 21st March, Emma, Knight, for Sydney ; 22d, Helen Stewart, Beckham, for China ; and Black Friar, Williams, for Bombay ; and 23d. Heel Walker, Cameron, for China; Loch Lomond, Rankin, for Bombay ; and Essex, Pixley for the Cape.