25 MARCH 1848, Page 20



Lloyd and Co. Stockport, builders ; as far as regards Goodwin Lloyd-St. John and Co. Worcester, encaustic-tile-manufacturers -IInathorne and Co. York, silk-mercers-- Adams and Hewlett, George Yard, Golden Lane, St. Luke's, wood-turners-J. and lir. Griffith, Lent Street, Southwark, upholsterers-Winspear and Co. Liverpool, enginem -Ogg and Son, Northampton, brass-founders ; as far as regards D. Ogg-Fox and Britten, Basinghall Street, attornies-White and Berry, Tewkesbury. registered her- nese-tug-makers-Radcliffe and Picken, estate-agents-Taylor and Waine, St. John Street Road, carpet-warehousemen-Whittaker and Jerram, Hatton Garden, perfume, -Hill and Holmes. Salford, machine and tool makers-Perkins and Co. Liverpool. mer- chants ; as far as regards A. S. Perkins, A. Schlusser, and J. D. Mullens-Smith and Horton, Boston, ropers-Potter and Co. Manchester ; Holt and Co. London ; Aseen and Co. Trieste, commission-merchants-Adcock and Baxter, Bradford, Yorkshire, wool- staplers-Simpson and Ireland, Kendal, woollen-manufacturers-Tummon and Co. Sheffield, wood-turners-Kett and Gorham, Hollesley, Suffolk, surgeons-Neasmitb and Begot, Manchester, engravers-Lane and Bastard, 1Jxbridge, drapers-Symes and Harman, • Bath, maltaters-Jeffery and Peirce, Brighton. tailors-Grace and James, Nottingham, lace-dressers-A. and W. Middleton, Aberdeen, cabinet-makers.


EVANS, WILLIAM, Piccadilly, llnendraper.


ANDERSON, WILLIAM, Chester-le-Street, Durham, draper, March 30, May 2: solici- tors, Mr. Burn, Great Carter Lane ; Mr. Steavenson, Darlington; official assignee, Er. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. BALDWIN, ANDREW, Bulstrode Street, St. Marylebone, victualler, March 27, May ; solicitors, Messrs. Pion), and Co. Three Crown Court, Borough ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers. Borrrnatzz, DAVID La, Northumberland Place, Commercial Road East, draper, March 29, May 2: solicitors, Messrs. Ashurst and Son, Old Jewry ; official assignee, Mr. Stansfeld.

CHIMES, BENJAMIN M'CLresm, and BOYD, JOHN, Bow Churchyard, silk-manufactur- ers, March 31, May 9: solicitor, Mr. Hudson, Bucklersbury; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane.

GwriLam, Jolla CoLe, Bishop's Frome, Herefordshire, cattle-dealer, April 8, May 2: solicitors, Mr. GivElifn, Hereford ; Mr. Suckling, Birmingham; official assignee, M. Whitmore, Birmingham.

HARDING, WILLIAM, Stobhouse, Durham, shipowner, April 3, May 4: solicitors, mr. Perkins, Regent Square ; Messrs. Wilson and Faber, Stockton-on-Tees ; Messrs. Griffith and Crichton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee. Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Huzreate, Jona, Frome &tweed, silversmith, April 6, May 5 : solicitor, Mr. Miller, Frome ; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol. ISAACSON, JOSEPH ISAAC, Liverpool. merchant, March 31, April 20: solicitors, Messrs. Vincent and Co. Temple ; Messrs. Littledale and Co. Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool.

Picture, WILLIAM, Blackburn, brick-maker, April 4, 25: solicitors, Messrs. Ridsdale and Cradock, Gray's Inn Square ; Messrs. Sale and Co. Manchester; Messrs. Wilkin- son and Kenyon, Blackburn; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.

ROBERTS, EDWARD, Denbigh, currier, April 4, 28: solicitors, Messrs. Few and Co. Henrietta Street, Covent Garden ; Mr. Pierce, Denbigh Messrs. Evans and Son, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner, LiverpooL SMITU, JAMES, Macclesfield, railway-contractor, April 3, 25: solicitors, Messrs. Lewis and Co. Ely Place ; Messrs. Sale and Co. Manchester; Messrs. Cowden and Co. Hinck- ley; official assignee, Mr. Port, Manchester. Swum, Itteuran and Mums, Baxenden Lancashire, calleo-printers, April 5, 27: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincoln's inn Fields; Mr. 961Mtehead, Bury; official

assignee, Mr. Efebson, Manche:Abr." '

STALKER, Jolla, Jarrow, Durham, brIck,maker, March 30, May 4: solicitors, Messrs. Meggison and Co. King's Road, Bedfoid'Row ; Mr. Philipson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official asalgnee, Sir. Bakety.Newesistle:upon-Tyne. WALLBANE, JAMES, Stockport, currier, April 3, 25: solicitors, Messrs. Toalmin and Chester, Staple Inn ; Mr. Oldham, Stockport; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.

Wilson, thulium Comegrr, Daventry, scrivener, March 30, May 4: solicitors, Messrs. A'Beckett and Co. Golden Square ; Mr. Pell junior, Welford, Northamptonshire; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.

WOOD, CHARLEa Thomas, Drury Lane, victualler, March 29, Mey 2 : solicitor, Mr. Martineau, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.


April 13, Philips, Riches CoUrt, LlaneStreet, merchant-April 13, Rainy, Regent Street, Piccadilly, estate-agent-April 13,,Connack, New Cross, seedsman-April 13, Silcock junior, Crawley Street, SL,Pancras, viethaller-April 13, Murray, Edgeware Road, sta- tioner-April 11, M. and 1'. A. Butterfield, Royston, Ilnen-drapers-April 13, Bull, Buck- lersbury, merchant-April 11, Webb, Great St. Helen's, wine-merchant-April 12, Syer, Sudbury, grocer-April 13, Blake junior, Norwlehi"soap-mannfacturer-April 12, J. and II. Goddard, Market Harborough, bankers-April 14, Clayton and Wilson, Preston, bankers-April 11, G., J., and T. Procter,-Rochdale, cotton spinners-April14, Gregory, Liverpool, hosier-April 18, Sampson, Nallsworth, Gloucestershire, grocer-April 30, Fay, Bath, Innkeeper-April 13, J. C. and G. II. White, Bath, music-sellers-April- 11, Nicholson, Leeds, victualler.


1' be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the day of meeting.

April 13, Saph, Salisbury, hatter-April 13, Shorter, Camomile Street, corn-dealer- April 12, Andrews, Brighton, fruiterer-April 12, Mitchell, Brighton, boarding-house- keeper-April 12, Speller, B;rkeley Street West, builder-April 12, Duplan, Regent's Place, Westminster, tea-dealer-April 13, Cork, High Street, Islington, livery-stable- keeper-April 13, Kirby, Nevegate Street, pin-manufacturer-April 12, Woore, Stables, victualler-April 13, Buckland, Orchard Place, Poplar, victualler- April 13, Maine], Southampton, saddler-April 13, Tunier, Coventry Street, Haymarket, fishmonger- April 12, Cousins, Shepherd's Place, Grosvenor Square, corn-merchint-Aprif 13, Starkey, Horseferry Road, Westminster, builder-April 13, Barnes, Ludgato Hill, bonnet-maker-April 13, Blake junior, Norwich, soap-manufacturer-April 13, Vevers, Cheapside, woollen-warehouseman-April 12, Fretwell, Greenwich, ship-owner- April II, Adams, Finbury Square, surgeon-April 11, Nicholson, Leeds, innkeeper- April 18, Morison, Cheltenham, hotel-keeper-April 12, Moody, Stockport, cotton- doubler-April 12, Williams, Birkenhead, builder-April 11, Hughes, Birkenhead, plasterer-April l4,Furniss, Derby, grocer-April 20, Robins, Taviatock, attorney.

2b be confirmed unless came be shown to the contrary on or before April II.

Watkins, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, shoe-maker-Law, Portland Road, Cam- berwell, pawnbroker-Black, Leominster, grocer-Harvey, Sldmouth, Devonshire, bookseller-Smith, Reading, scrivener-Thompson, Tamworth, bookseller-Clarke, Conduit Mews, Spring Street, Paddington, job-master-Joel, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. jeweller-Seurfield, Liverpool, shawlman-Everet, Drury Lane, builder-Jackson and Co. Milk Street, factors-fnchbold, Ludgate Hill, bookseller-R. and J. B. Pope, Adelaide Place, London Bridge, brick-manufacturers-Greenwood and Bateman, Bury, joiners-Edwards, Allington, Dorsetshire, sack-twine manufacturer.


Riley, Pilkington, Lancashire, manufacturer; first div. of 9s. 3d. April 4, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Putt, 3fanchester-Stott, Bacup, Lancashire, manufacturer; first div. of 2s. 5id. April 4,-or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Pott, Manchester-Evans, Denbigh, scrivener; Nether div. of 2s. 5d. and 3s. Id. on new proofs, March 29, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool-Johnson, Leeds, spindle-maker ; first div. of 2s. 4d. any Tuesday; Mr. Stanfield, Leeds-Watson, Leeds, commission-agent; first div, of 9s. M. (on separate estate), April 4, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fra- ser, Manchester-Barton, Manchester, cotton-spinner ; first and final My. of 20s. (on se- parate estate), April 4, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Mancbester--Janies, Newcastle-upon•Tyne, oil.merchant ; first div. of 2s. 31arch 25, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Russell, Leamington Priors, grocer ; first dlr. of Is. Sri. any Friday; Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham-Thompson, Tamworth, book- seller; first div. of Ss. fid. any Thursday ; Mr. Valpy. Birmingham.


Russell, Edinburgh, leather-merchant, March 28, April 20-Tatham, Glasgow, ma- chine maker, March 24, April 14 -Esple, Stranraer, grocer, March 27, April 22-Syme and Preston, Dunfermline, drapers, March 25, April 22-A. and J. Barclay junior, Kil- marnock, machine-makers, March 27, April 17-1I'Queen, Altos, grocer, March 21, April 17-Wilson, Glasgow, baker, March 25, April 15.

Tuesday, March 21. Friday, March 24.


Atkinson and Fawcus, Newcastle upon-Tyne, ship-brokers-Richardson and Co. soomaspian, coal-merchants ; as far as regards W. Richardson-Marshall and Co. j sugar- refiners-T; and E. Frowde, Old Street, tin-plate-workers-Cheetham


agd Co. Manchester, calico-printers-I' anias and Co. Liverpool, merchants-Chappell ggd Co. Bristol, vinegar-merchants ; as far as regards N. Chappell-Horner and By- ,, Leeds, cotton-band-manufacturers-Parke and Sous, Withnell, Lancashire, cot- ws' Donald and Falkous, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, gas-meter-manufacturers- ton-01011er°-

walker and Cousins, Exeter Hall Hotel-Ridley and Newman, High Street, Heaton,

drir Pottor and Morten. Tooley Street, auctioneers-Rymer and Sons, Preston, samakers-Knowsley and Labonrn, Great Driffield, Yorkshire, chemists-Barber and Allister, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, -Tyne, flint-glass-manufacturers -J. and W. Ru.scoe, Whit- rkdrah. Shropshire, plasterers-J. R. and E. Keating, Combill, surveyors-Rhodes and Ilan, Manchester, rag-merchants-Drew and Wood, Grange Road, carpenters-Hazle- aine and Dyson, Manchester, brewers-T. and L. Hope, Bread Street, manufacturers of elastic fabrics -Arnold and Sutcliffe, Agden, Cheshire, livery-stable-keepers-Grassi and Rag:weld', Newcastle-upon-Tyne, toy•merchants -.T. and A. Haddy, Bath, livery- ashle-keepers-Crofts and Kempson, Birmingham, gun-makers-Clifton and Turner, Lime Street, wine-merchants-Lethem and Co. Glasgow, manufacturers ; as far as re- garde J. S. Myth.


gAssis, BENJAMIN, Tewkesbury, corn-merchant.


BALDWIN, JOSEPH, Camberwell, coal-merchant. to surrender March 31, May 5: so- licitors, Messrs. Steadman and Place, Guildhall Chambers ; official assignee, Mr. Pen- nell, Guildhall Chambers. Dossrurjunior, James, Brompton, builder. April 11, May 9: solicitors, Messrs. Tuck- er and Steavenson, Threadneedle Street ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman St. DAY, WILILAH, Illigay, Norfolk, brick-maker, March 31, May 8: solicitors, Messrs. Meggison and Co. King's Road. Bedford Row ; Mr. Reed, Downham Market ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.

Diximez, WIlmasm, Bridgewater, victualler, April 7, 27: solicitors, Mr. Bishop, New Bridge Street ; Messrs. Lovieond and Caralake, Bridgewater ; official assignee, Mr. Hernaman, Exeter.

Dovz, Jamas, Darlington, tanner. April 4, May II : solicitors, Mr. Mewburn, Great Winchester Street ; Messrs. afewburn and Co. and Mr. /Rymer, Darlington ; and 3Iessrs. Griffith and Crighton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. ELL% JOHN and CHARLES, Warner Road, Camberwell, builders, March 31, May 5 : solicitor, Mr. Hall, Moorgate Street ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basingirall- Street. GEORGE, JOHN, Brosely„ Shropshire, grocer, April 8, May 2 : solicitor, Mr. Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.

GOODHEIM, BENI/4 Birmingham, cap manufacturer, April 6, 29 : solicitor, Mr. Har- rison, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Yelp)+, Birmingham.

Rows, HENRY, Liverpool, tea-dealer, April 5, 26: solicitors, Mr. Rogerson, Lin- coln's Inn Fields ; and Messrs. Davenport and Son, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool.

JONES, JOHN EDWARD, Upper Charlotte Street. Fitzroy Square, engineer, March 30, May 13: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Bow; bar. Fordshaw, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.

LAE, WILLIAM, Darlington, laud-surveyor, April 4, May 11 : solicItors, Mr. Allison, Richmond, Yorkshire; Mr. Mario, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Sir. Wak- ley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. MERRAI.L, FREDERICK, Halifax, grocer, April 7, May 5: solicitors, Messrs. William- son and Ca. Gray's Inn ; Messrs. Rudd and Co. Halifax; Messrs. Bond and Barwick,

Leeds; official assignee, Sir. Freeman, Leeds. •

MOESISH, FRANCIS EDWARD, Leicester Square, draper, April 3, May 8: solicitors, Messrs. Reed and Co. Friday St.; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers. OWEN, EVAN,.Butbin, Denbighshire, auctioneer, April 3, 25: solicitors, Mr. Oliver, Old Jewry ; Messrs. Evans and Son, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool. JAMES, Merthyr Tydvat brewer, April 6, May 4: solicitors, Mr. Bishop, New Bridge Street ; Messrs. Lovibond and Co. Bridgewater; official assignee, Mr. MIller,


PRICE, WILLIAM, Bristol, engraver, April 7, May 5 : --solicitors, Messrs. Trehern and White, London ; ile..nabiee, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Button, Bristol. WOOLNER, JOSEPH T.Cmoa, Bury, Lancashire, eniTear, April 6, 27 ;Solicitors, Mr. Appleby. Marpur Street, lied Lion Square; 'Air:, Grundy, nary official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester. WHEELER, WILLIAM, Adelaide Terrace, Notting Hill, bulidir, April 4, May 9: soli- rigor, Mr. Thrupp, Winchester Buildings; official assignee, Mt. Groom, Abchurch Lane. W1NNALL, BIcHARD, Marken, Worcestershire. farmer, Ap 6, May 6: solicitor, Mr. Harding, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, BirMingham.


April 14, Woore, Staines, victualler-April 14, Shorter, Chamomile Street, corn-dealer -April 14, Turner, Ova Tower Street, merchant-April 15, Richmond. Peterborough, bander -April 18, Asliford, Birmingham, packing-case-maker-April 18, Yeld and Dawes, Rugeley, Staffordshire, brewers-April 14, Cullen, Nottingham, grocer-April 14, Harrison, Gateshead, Wkall7manufacturer-AprIl 14, °Mender, Sunderland, iron- llsouger-Alirri, Mr-Law..M50611Paterr ,.corn-dealets-Anril go, Jackson, Traumero, Che- shire, joiner-April.19, Ilughess,-Texteth Park, Liverpool, joiner-Ana 26, Ballantyne, Liverpool, merchant- April 19, Dayies. Liverpool, bookseller-April 20, Williams, Bir- kenhead, bender-April 0, hi'll'ear and Hadfield, Liverpool, merchants-April 14, Wyatt, Neillirop,.Baubery,.coachmaker.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. April 14, Bailey, Croydon, builder-April 14, Barret, Palace Row, New Road, fron- t:tenger-April 14,-. West, London Terrace, Hackney Road, Unen-draper-April 17, Bartlett, East Peckham, grocer-April 15, Eliot, East liam, 'Essex, cattle-dealer- April 15, Gates and Co. Watling Street, warehousemen-April 15, Marshall, St. John's Wood Terrace, carpenter-April 14, Mann, Maiden Lane, Queen Street, lead-merchant -April 13, Watson, Bathwiek, Bath, hotel-keeper-April 11, Nicholson (and not Nib- bolson, as advertised in last Tuesday's Gazette,) Leeds, Innkeeper-April 14, Harrison, Gateshead, alkali-maniffacturer-April 21, Dreaper, Liverpool, corn-merchant -April 14, remiss, Derby, grocer-April 25, Wilcox-April 19, Fielding, Middleton, 'Lance- shire, corn-dealer-April 15, Crulkshank, Ardwick, Manchester, coal-dealer-April 15, Idawson, Runcorn, Cheshire, druggist.

To be confirmed stokes cause be shown to the contrary on or before April 14. Crmssen, Newman Street, manufacturer-Sadler, Birmingham, victualler -Windle, Judd Street, haberdasher-Clarke, Stoke-upon-Trent, china-manufacturer-Hansor, Hanley, hop-merchant- Sawyer, Egham, Surrey, butcher-Ward, Medbourn, Leices- tershire, corn-dealer-Garner, Noble Street, agent-Lea, Cheltenham, brick-maker- Sutton, Stockport, cotton-waste-dealer-Tire, Netherbury, Dorsetshire, flax-spinner- Burley sem Wolvertuunpton, grocer-,Spooner, Hanley, butcher-Cattley, Cousin Lane, RPPer Thames Street, colour-merchant -111`George, Wardour Street, ironmonger- Pugh, Aldermanbury, warehouseman-Rougemont, Broad Street Buildings, merchant -Rickard, Regent Street, Mile End Road, manufacturing chemist-Mackie, South- ampton Row, tailor.


Richardson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, glass-manufacturer ; third div. of 10d. (In addi- lion to 2s. previously declared) March 25, or any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Ewens, Axminster, butter-merchant ; first div. of 2a. 6d. any Tuesday or Friday ; Mr. Hernantan, Exeter-Perry, Liverpool, brickmaker ; drat div. Of is. 6i6L any Monday ; Mr.Bird, Liverpool-Adamsand Banks, Liverpool, merchants, first city. of I Is. 34d. on separate estate of R. Adams, and 4s. 104d. on separate estate of T. Banks, any Monday; Mr. Bird, Liverpool-Owen, Liverpool, baker; first div. of ir.6d. any Monday ; Mr. Bird, Liverpool-Searlield, Liverpool, shawlman ; first div. Otis., March 30, or any subsequent Thursday • Mr. Turner Liverpool-Williams, Cblrk, Denbigh, ; div. of as. 6d. March 30, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Turner, Liverpool-Dreaper, Liverpool, corn-merchant ; first div. of la March 30, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Turner, Liverpool-Win lam Rulhin,Denbigh, cattle salesman ; first div. of 4s. March 30, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Turner. Liver- pool-Edwards, Allington, sack-twine-manufacturer; Brat div. of 7s. any Tuesday or friday ; Mr. Henraman, Exeter.


Stuart and Rennie, Greenock ; Rennie and Co. St. John's, Newfoundland ; Stuart, Greenock, merchants, March 30, April 20-Marfarlane, Edinburgh, coach-proprietor,

"(arch 28, April 19-Martin, Laureucekirk, Kincardineshire, farmer, March 29, April I5-Anderson, New Cumnock, farmer. March 30, April 20-Caldwell, Beith, Ayrshire, grain-dealer, April 3, 24-Fisken and Mitchell, Glasgow, merchants, Starch 29, April 24-Hutchinson, Cumnock, Ayrshire, ironmonger, March 23, April 18.