Sra,—I have read the Bishop of Manchester's " apologia " in your last impression with much interest. Will you kindly allow me to ask his Lordship two questions through your columns ? Before "letting the case go on" against Mr. Green, did the Bishop take any pains to inquire whether the complaint was made bend-fide, or whether the "aggrieved parishioners" were not simply the agents of the Church Association, whose "policy and proceedings" he condemns ?
Again, it being understood that one of the main charges against Mr. Green was that of wearing the " vestments " in a parish church, I would venture to ask,—Does the Bishop himself wear vestments when he celebrates the Holy Communion in a cathedral church, as is most distinctly ordered by the Canons ? If, as I am told, the Bishop does not obey the law on his side, it seems very strange (to a layman like myself) how he could have permitted one of his clergy to be prosecuted for breaking the same law on the other side. Nothing can be more precise than the language of the Canon upon this point, and I have never been able to understand how the Bishops and the Deans 4‘ get over it." Will the Bishop of Manchester condescend to
explain this to your obedient servant, F. R. S.?