25 MARCH 1882, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Snt,—I have received from a correspondent in France a letter which presents so graphic a picture of the hideous condition of French Government schools, that I venture to send it to you for publication. Certain portions of it, indeed, which give details of the abominable impurities practised by the boys, not only with the connivance, but with the direct encouragement of the Libres-pensenrs who constitute the Professors of those establishments, I am obliged to omit in my transcription ; but

I think it right to place the original document before you, for your own perusal.

For obvious reasons, I suppress my correspondent's name, and all the names of persons and places mentioned in his com- munication; but the names are of small importance, as there is too good reason for believing the state of things which he de- scribes to be general in the lyeees of France. The dechristiani- sation and the demoralisation of that country are proceeding pari passu, in the schools, as elsewhere.—I am, Sir, &c., W. S. LILLY.

East India United Service Club, St. James's Square, S. W., March 20th.