We are afraid, however, that the state of feeling in
France in relation to violent Socialistic outbreak is very much sounder and more trustworthy, than the state of feeling in Ireland in relation to that mean and sordid form of revolutionary policy which is advocated under the formula, "Hold the rents." An inflammatory placard thus headed has just been largely cir- culated in Ireland, which goes on thus :—" Who are the gaolers of Charles Stewart Parnell and Michael Devitt? Not mad Gladstone, nor blundering Buckshot, but yourselves, Irishmen who are content to receive and accept paltry reductions, and to let the men who won them for you,—aye, and who will win much more, if you will but follow them faithfully,—rot and die -in Irish dungeons," concluding with other equally violent re- -narks in the same vein. The dangerous side of this placard is the comfortable character of the advice which it gives to break a number of special contracts for which the full equivalent has already been received, and the hope held out that their fulfilment shall never be exacted. "Arrah, thin, Pat," said an Irish wife, "you'll surely Diver pay your rint while Mr. Parnell's in Kil- znainham ?" " Bedad, and I won't, Bridget, niver a stiver,— and long may he stay there !" a sentiment which represents, we believe, with sufficient fidelity the specially pecuniary char- acter of the patriotism which Mr. Parnell's programme has inspired.