[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.`] Sin,—You print in the Spectator of March 18th an extract which gives the late Lord Selborne's opinion of the English Church Union. Perhaps you may think the following sentence also worthy of publication, especi- ally in view of the recent manifesto of the English Church Union. It occurs in a letter written by Lord Selborne to Bishop Harold Browne in 1877. " The sub- scribers to the Church Times, &c., and the members of the Order of Corporate Reunion,' the ' English Church Union,' and the other self-constituted confraternities which have undermined and disintegrated our Church, will (I feel only too sure) set at naught all episcopal declarations against their views, whether made in Diocesan Synod or elsewbere, as they have always hitherto done."—(" Memoir of Edward Harold Browne," p. 457.)—I am, Sir, &c.,