The Washington Correspondent of the Times says in Tues- day's
papsr that a curious new phase is appearing in the Negro problem in various Northern cities. The more pro- sperous Negroes have gradually acquired dwellings in the better residential quarters of the towns, and the whites resent this, as they say that in consequence these quarters degenerate. A crisis has been reached at Baltimore, where the City Council is said to be about to pass a measure segregating the coloured people in certain parts of the town. In New York residents and property owners have combined privately to exclude coloured people from at least one district. The correspondent doubts whether the measure proposed at Baltimore would be constitutional. Apart from that it is felt that the establishment of the Ghetto system would greatly complicate the race problem and hinder the salvation of the coloured people. In the -South this phase is almost unknown, paradoxically as it seems, because the Negroes are so numerous. They effectually segregate themselves through force of circum- stances. Even in Washington the tendency is for the coloured people to group themselves together spontaneously and flee the neighbourhood of the great houses of rich whites.