ACROSS 1 Assortel tails up! (6).
4 For a sundae, as thz grealy child might say (3-5).
10 The old prophet has a distinctive air about him (7).
11 Nearly everybody's ready to fight: you have been Warned! (7). 12 Gather broken fruit (4).
13 They feed on light and air, according to Shelley (10). 16 The spirit of the theatre (6).
17 Got only half halt-hose? (7). 20 For drivers they reflect the shape of things to come (7).
21 The poet's reed (6).
24 Cheaper travel for the gadabout (3-2-5).
25 Note his words (4). ,
27 Can you suit Zoe here? She's stylish r. stout! (7).
29 Accommodation lor the retired (7).
30 Rock fissures caused by water (8). 31 Judged? Oh, in a wooden kind ot way (6). DOWN
1 'Words, words, words' (8).
2 13's characteristic (II).
3 Formula revised to get your hawk (4).
5 Egyptian sets out to fascinate a Scotsman (8).
6 'I'm going to - back to -, Caroline' (10).
7 Elegiac tree (3).
8 The Highland festival is to the .French very restrained (6).
9 'Play by me,-in me, mother and child (Kingsley) (5).
14 It's colonial agitation (II).
15 Herrick's fruit ready for markei (674).
18 Colour or almost pigment (8).
19 No more sleep when a revel's finished in confusion (8).
22 You'll lind the trouble is in the chlei Col tilications 16).
23 Where's the carpenter's fish? (5).
26 tine the biscuit: Two prizes will he awarded: a copy of the De Luse edition of chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. 1 her will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solution, opened alter noun on Anil s and addressed: Lrossword 527, 99 Gower Si., London. W.C.I.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.
Winners of Crosnword No. 825: MR. H. M. PALMER, 36 Church Road, Roby, Liverpool; MR. JOHN WAytt:Tr,, 615 The White House, Albany Street, London, N.W.I. Stbuilio, on Apra. 8 sthution to No. 825 on pop: iii