11) 0 CI st I The BBC's Yugoslav Service Judi
Gustincic and others, G hr n
Central Africa Colin MacInnes Islational Theatres Monica Fisher A Bernard A . C. Alexander, Julian Jells, D. L. Clarke raves of Academe John Osborne
Raspberry for the Teacher David Cairns
azard Levin in Moscow Olga Franklin
Interviewing Orson WeIGle'sG. Thomas, Geoffrey Rafts
Torrid Zones George Perry Dr. H. Edelston, Morris Gershlick THE BBC's YUGOSLAV SERVICE
S111,—Your article of March 11, 1960, 'The BBC's ugoslav Service,' in which you state The tenor of the official Yugoslav press and radio in the last few years has been hostile to British policy. In leading articles, reports from correspondents, cartoons and ordinary news Britain has been consistently described as second- rate, capitalist, imperialist, grabbing, colonialist, decadent, reactionary, and all the other Com- munist adjectives. . . . an example of incompetence, irresponsibility, or !;111131Y lack of courage to explain the truth about me Yugoslav press to your public. If you would only try to be half as objective in Your comments about Yugoslavia as we are in our reports about this country and its policy you would never have resorted to the above-mentioned state- rnents, which every reader of Yugoslav papers would consider ridiculous, to say the least. Our articles, news, our comments and our reports are completely different in substance and style from what you are trying to suggest. But you do not bother about such facts, because YOU know that we are not in a position to explain to every one of your readers what we write about and how. You certainly needed such inventions in order to support other vilification in your article. --Yours faithfully, JURLI GUSTINCIC (Poiiiika) VLADIMIR TESLIC (Borba) BRANKO vAstuhvic (Tanjug Agency) ENVER MULAHUSIC (Tanjug Agency) tond-roo,r MARTELANC (Yugoslav Radio-Television)