SIR,—Part of your indictment of the Yugoslav Ser- vice of
the BBC appears to be that I was silenced by the hierarchy because of criticism of my broad- casts in the Yugoslav press. This is not true. They were criticised off and on—never from a high level —almost from the moment I started them. They came to an end partly because of criticism from our Embassy in Belgrade, but principally because of my own reluctance to continue them. The BBC was in no way to blame, and I must add that it showed itself most liberal in the freedom it gave me .to air my views without censorship and, indeed, without prior approval of my commentaries.
Some of your allegations about omissions in the Yugoslav programmes would, if true, indicate that the BBC is now being too soft with Tito. But from seven years' experience in the Yugoslav Service I am convinced that the image of it you present is a gross distortion, and if there is to be an independent inquiry, as Mr. Mirfin suggests. I hope I shall have the opportunity of amplifying this statement.— Yours faithfully, Chase Cottage, Chase Lane, Haslemere