Helping Labour? SIR,—I was surprised that a paper of your
quality should have fallen for the trick of lending one of your men to take part in what was obviously a faked interview, asking questions which were supposed to be spontaneous, but which had obviously been pre- pared beforehand, and to which Mr. Gunter had time to prepare his answers,
From remarks among my fellow passengers in the
train this morning, my feelings are general.
Also why did he not indignantly refute the charge that the 'noose' affair was a 'put-up job'? If he had had the sense to ask 'How could it have been a press stunt when three are in hospital over the incident?' then the matter would have been clarified. As it is mil- lions of viewers will believe it to be a Tory election gimmick.
17 Mackie Avenue. Patchum, Brighton 6, Sussex
[Alan Watkins writes: 'Mr. Evans and his fellow- travellers are clearly members of that group whom Bishop Butler characterised as "those who are said to know the world." His letter is also I suspect de- famatory, but let that pass: 1 happen to believe that journalists, who hand it out, should also be prepared to take it. In fact the broadcast was not only live (as the hiatus at the end should have demonstrated) but also unprepared and unrehearsed. Mr. Gunter was aware beforehand that the questions generally would be confined to domestic political/economic matters. And half an hour or so before the broadcast the four of us went through a short trial session on an entirely different subject (opinion polls was the one hastily chosen). Otherwise the programme was completely spontaneous:—Editor, smcratoa.]