D emocratic judgment From Mr Frank A. Kelly, Jr Sir: I
would like to comment on Mark Steyn's article of 4 March (`The rise of the FU movement') in which he decries the judicial tyranny imposed on helpless elec- torates at the behest of a global left-wing elite. He notes that the courts have by- passed such 'tiresome notions' as popular will and have advanced causes for which there is `no popular consensus'.
He failed to specify one notorious exam- ple. In the face of unanimity among elected Southern state legislatures and against an overwhelming social consensus, the US fed- eral judiciary required the states to give their black citizens the rights guaranteed them under the constitution of the United States of America. This high-handed outrage prob- ably cost the Democratic party the allegiance of the once solid South. Mr Steyn might regard this as a judgment from Heaven. Frank A. Kelly, Jr 21 Forest Drive, Newington, CT 06111, USA