25 MAY 1833, Page 10


STOCK F.:..ca...:coz, FEL6AT EVENINO. The rumour of the settlement of the Belgian question, to which we referred in our last impression, .teceives1 confirmation in the early part of the week ; and a considerable improt'ement in the prices of Stock has been the consequence. In the English securities, the rise has hardly ticeeded 1 per eent. ; the highest price of Consols for money having been 89i, while for the July Account 891: has been the highest quotation. The settlement of the =Slay Account took place on Wednesday, and was unattended by any, event of importance. The continuation, or premium paid by the speculators, for holding :Stook till the 24th July, the day fixed for the next settlement, was from 5-10th to j per cent. The interest on the capital thus employed is under 3 per cent: ; hn evidence of the abundance of unemployed capital now afloat. Bank and India Stocks are rather more in demand than last week. The New 3111 per Cents. Reduced, P per Cents., and Heavy Stocks generally, are scarce ; whence it may be inferred: that as the causes which tended to prevent the employment of capital in the Funds are nearly removed, capitalists have become more desirous of this species of invest- ment. The existence of the 3-1 per Cents. Reduced and 4 per Cents. 1826, by the terms of the acts of Parliament by which they were created, is not guaran- teed beyond the 5th April in the present year ; and time Government will doubt- less sieie the first favourable opportunity of lesseniug the national burdens by effecting a reductions of these particular Funds. It is not at all likely that this reduction can be proceeded in this year ! but if the 'Funds generally should ha- prove, as in a state of peace they most probably will, this operation will most likely be achieved in the course of the next. • The books of the following Stocks will close for Dividends as und)eern-. pahntre 5 t. Open. a per Cent. Consols July 24 New 34 per Cents 726 7 . 24 3 per Cents. 1 . . 4 Annuities for Terms of Years . 7 .. 26 East India Stuck 4 .. 16 South Sea Stock . 5 .. 24

New South Sea Annuities . 6 23 Annuities, 1751 . 6 . 23

Exchequer Bills dated in January, February, March, April, May, and June 1832, are advertised to be paid off; and will be received at the Exchequer till the 10th June. New Bills in Exchange will be issued on the 20th June, on which dire the interest upon the old will cease. In the Foreign Market, all those Stocks which continue to pay dividends have improved in various degrees, from 1 to 5 per cent. This result has been brought about by continued and accumulated investments of comparatively small sums, and not by large speculative prir6hases ; consequently all descriptions of Stock have been in eager demand during the week. The most conspicuous advance has taken place in Brazilian Bonds ; which have risen from 66 to 71. Belgian Stock has unproved to 891. Dutch Stock is quoted to-day higher than it has ever been since it became current on our Exchange; the price has been 48a, and the highest_previous quotation of the last two years was 474. Previous to the Frerkh Revolution, the price at Amsterdam was 65; but it was not till about two years since that it became one of our staple commodities; since which, its highest quotation is that of to-day.

Russian Stock closes to-day at 104. Some investments have also been made in Austrian Bonds, at prices varying from 94 to 95.- A steady demand had existed for Portuguese Stock during the week, which had raised the price to 56; but just previous to the close of business to-day, a rise of 2 per cent, took place and the Stock Was done at 58, and closed at 57 58. Regency Scrip has also advanced, but not in a similar degree ; the highest price of the day was 2 dis., and the closing quotation 2 a to 26 dis. We can- not learn that any intelligence has been received from Oporto to which this sudden improvement can be traced ; but believe it to originate in a growing con- viction that the French and English Governments are about to adopt active measures to put an end to the unnatural conflict now carrying on at Oporto.

Spanish Stock is at its old quotation 19b a.

In the early part of the week, intelligence was received of the further arrival of upwards ot 400,000 dollars from Mexico; of which 20,000 were on account of the Dividends, making, together with 62,000 received last week, the sum of 82,000 dollars ; but this sum is not applicable to the payment of the over-due dividends, as it is understood that the Government are indebted to their agents here in 120,000 dollars which were advanced to meet a like deficiency on the last payment of Dividends in July 1832. The Stock has therefore slightly de- clined, and is to-day 34-i 4. Colombian, Greek, Peruvian, and the other non- dividend Stocks, are at rather higher prices; but the business in them is quite insignificant.

SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. Ihe improvement in the prices of almost all descriptions of Stock continues, although no political intelligence has been received this morning. Consols are 89 ft for Account. Bank Stock is 1 per cent. higher than yesterday, viz. 198 All the Foreign Stocks are higher. Portuguese Bonds have continued to im- prove, anti have been as high as 60. Regency Scrip is 2 to 14 dis. No intelli- gence has been received from Oporto since the last packet, which brought accounts to the 13th inst. ; and the present rise can only be accounted for on the grounds stated in our report of yesterday. Spanish Stock is stationary.

3 per Ct. Consols ... 891 Belgian 5 per Ct.... 894 4Mexican 6 per Cts. 341 351 Ditto for Account ... 8944 Brazilian 5 per Cts. 701 71 Portuguese 5 p. Cts. 594 60 New 34 per (it. Ann.. 964 i Danish 3 per Cents. 734 74; Do.ltegency Se.5p.C. 2 11 Bank Stuck 193 4 Dutch 24 per Cents. 4S4 Prussian(1.818)5 p. C. - India Stock for Acct - French 3 per Cents. - :Ituss.(1322)5p.C. 1034 104 Exchequer Bills 51 52 Greek (1825) 5 p.Cts. - ISpanish(1821) 5 p. 194