The French Chamber of Deputies has beep occupied in dis-
cussing the subject of the Greek loan, one third.of which is gua- Yanteed by France. TO, Opposition express thetr.decided hostility to this arrangement, and call upon the Government not to abide by it. Their arguments and declamation are said to have been IMos t ably answered and exposed by the Due DE BROGLIE. The interest of the French share of the loan, 800,0001., will only amount to 40,000/.; and the French Ministry affirm that they have gained great advantages by joining with England and Rus- sia in the guarantee. M. DUPIM, who had intended to oppose the Government upon this question, was convinced, it is said, by the eloquence of the Due DE BROGUE, and gave up his intended op- mosition. The principal opponent of the Government was M. MIGNON, who followed the Duke in the debate ; and his speech ilas made a great impression. Several amendments were proposed, to the effect that the guarantee should not be formally given until the Russians had evacuated Turkey ; but they were all rejected, and the Chamber supported the Ministers by a majority of 176 to 140.