25 MAY 1833, Page 7


THE Epsom races this year have been remarkably brilliant. The weather every day has been extremely fine, though rather too warm ; the company distinguished ; and, on Thursday, when the Derby was run for, numerous beyond all precedent, the grand stand being literally crammed with spectators. The number of horses was nearly a hun- dred, and the entries greater than were ever known before at Epsom.

Among the company who attended on the day of the great race for the Derby were-

Duke mid Dutchess of Richmond ; Duke and Dtdchess of Cleveland ; Dukes of Grafton, Rutland, and Portland. Marquises Tavistoek, tVorcester, Graham, T itch- field, Exeter. Conyngliam, Queensberry. Marchionesses Exeter, Tavistock. Earls Sande Hi and partv, Errol, .Tersey, Verulam, Orford, Wilton, Lieldield, March, St rad- broke, Roseberry, Uxbridge. CatreetrY, Munster; Count D'Orsay. :Ind Count Betide:ay. Countesses Chesterfield, Wilton. Sandwich, ;1.143td.)eIrv. Ladies Grimston, Julia 'Toward, E. Douglas, Carr. De Roos, C. Stanhope. Lords G. Benticcit,

J. Fitzroy, Grim;ton, Villiers, It. Grosvenor, Ossulston, Lisburne. Clarion, Stormont, Ranelagh, Digby, Selsea, Cadogan, Tullamore, Cole, Wharnelifts A. Conyngliam,

Milton, Bridport, Portarlington, Adolphus Fitzclarence, W. Lennox. Dudley smart, rtlibank, Torrington, Sze. Honourables B. Craven, G. Anson and Lady, General and Mrs. Grosvenor. - lions, C. S. Wortley, E. Stanley, A. Berkeley, F. Berkeley, - Villiers, - Grimston, C. Murray,- Murray, T. Lumley, - Singleton, Mrs. Hamil- ton, Miss Anson, S;c. Sirs .1. Gerard, M. Wood, L. Glyn, J. Fraser, F. Johnston, C. D'Albiac, C. Coate, Brook Taylor, T. Farquharson, :Tames Graham. Colonels Chap. tin, Peel, Udny, Standen, Montague and Lady, Scc. Messrs. Byng, Beauclerk, Tynte, S. Stanley, Greville, Houldsworth, Stonehewer, J. Mills.

Tuesday, May 21. Tile CRAVEK STAKES of 10 sovereigns each, for 3 years old, fist.; 4 years old Sit.; :5 years old, 8st. 91b.; 6 years, 9st. 21b.; aged, 9st. Mb. Mile and a quarter. Twelve Subscribers.

Duke of Rntland'sbr. c. Hawk -sr, hr. to Chapman, 4 years (Boyce) 1 Mr. Cosby's eh. e. Copper Cap ain, by Bataan 4 years (C. Day) 2

The following started, but were not placed-Sir L. Glynn's ch. 1. Malibran ; Mr. Payne's c. by Wrangler, out of Whiteboy's damn; Mr. Ridsdale's b. g. by Lottery, out :of Swiss's darn; Mr. Rawlinson's b. c. Fop; Sir G. Heathcote's br. c. Damascus ; Mr. Grant's b. 1. Flora ; Captain Bulkley's b. h. Vestris; Lord Chesterfield's br. h. Theban; .Mr. Ricardo's Runnymede ; and Mr. Wood's Ambrosio. ,Betting-3 to 1 against Vestris, 5 to 1 against Hawker, 6 to 1 against Mr. Payne's, -7 to 1 against Ambrosio, and 10 to 1 against Copper Captain.

The SHIRLEY STAKES of 25 Sovereigns each; colts. 8st. 71b.; fillies, fist. 41b.

One mile. Four Subscribers.

Sir G. Heathcote's ch. c. Samarcand (F. Buckle) 1 Lord Exeter's br. c. Cactus, by Sultan (Parting) 2 Mr. Bristow's b. f. Pagoda (Wakefield). , 3 Betting-3 and 4 to 1 on Cactus.

SWEEPSTAKES of 30 sovereigns each, h. ft.; for 2 years old, bred in the counties of. Sorry, Middlesex, Kent, Hants, Sussex, or Berks, or which have been trained at Epsom for three months previous to the day of naming ; half a mile ; colts, Set. 51b.; Shies, 8st. 21b. Five Subscribers.

Mr. Gardnor's br. c. by Whalebone, out of tuna (Pavis) 1 Mr. Forth's Sister to Echo, by Emilius (Norman) 2 Sir G. Heathcote's b. It. by Figaro, out of Paradigm (Buckle) 3 Betting-5 to 4 on Mr. Gardnor's colt. Won easy by a length The EMI! OATLANDS of 25 sovereigns each. Two miles. Mr. Smith's The Witch, 5 years,13st 81b. walked over. 3 paid 15 sovereigns, and 4 others only 5 sovereigns each. Match-100 sovereigns, b. ft., three quarters of a mile. Mr. Ricardo's Sketch Book, years, Hst. 101b... received from Mr. Gardnor's Shamrock, 3 years, Ist. 71b. Match-,100, b. ft., one mile-Lord Conyugham's Lady Charlotte, 9st.71b. (Wheatley) .beat Mr...Costy's Temperance, HSt. 4113, by a neck. 6 to 4 on the ssinnet, The EPSOM STAKES of 3 sovereigns each, and 40 added ; 3 years. '1st.; 4 years, tist.71b.: 5 years, 9st. 11b. ; 6 years and aged,9st. 31b. Mares and geldings allowed 31b. The winner to be sold for 150, Sm. Mile heats. Twelve Subscribers.

Mr. G. Edward's hr.!: by Came1,3 Yrs. (Nat) 0 1 1 Mr. S. Stanley's b. c. brother to Kate, 3 years 2 2 2 Mr. Ley's eh .hi. . . The Hermit, 4 years

Mr. George's br. 1. by Wiley, out of Lady Ern,3 years 01 30

Mr. fIartInor's b. c. Tarquin, 4 years dr.

Mr. Crommelin's b. 11. Sinbad, 5 years dr. Mr. Ricardo's brit Sketch-Book, 6 years 0 0 dr. Mr. Muster's ch. in. Zatina, 5 years dr. 0 dr. Mr. Thomas's Blinker, aged 51r. Cl,trke's bl. e. Raven, 3 years 0 dr. Mr. Pearce's hr. tn. Chatham Lass, 6 years 0 dr.

First Heat-5 to 2 ;isainst Kate, and 4 to 1 against Sinbad. This was a dead heat between the Hermit and Rate. Second I leat-2 to I against I lermit, and 2 to 1 against Kate ; won rather cleverly. Third Ileat -even on Hermit ; won easy. Fourth Heat- high odds on the Camel 1.; won in a canter.

Wednesday, May 22.

The EWELL STARES of 5 sovereigns eaell, and 25 added ; three years, 7st.; 4 rear. 8st. 71b. ; 5 years, Ott, 11b. ; 6 years ;old aged, Ott. 311,. Ilalf a mile. Winners once.. 31b.; te ice, Slim.; and three times, 711. ext ra. Six Subscribers. Lord Stradbroke's eh. 11. I loullitlier, 5 years (Boyce) Sir G. I leatheote's ch. 1. Stately, 4 years (Buckle) 2

Mr. It, Stephenson's Alice, 3 years (S. Rogers) 3

Mr. Peel's b. t, Lutiy, 4 years (Chapple) 4 Mr. Gardnor's b. C. Tarquin, 4 years (Paris) 5 Lord Om) lighaill'S hr. h. l'arwell. 5 years ON heatley) Betting 2 to I against Alice, 3 to I teainst Carwell, and 7 to 2 against (;ondolier.

The Wooneirr STA a Es, of 31) sovereigns each, fir 2 years old colts, 8st. 61b., antl fillies, :-,st.311t. Last half roil,; four Subscribers. Mr. Iiittes's b, l Gplielia, by Moll:unite (Povis) Lord Ewen:oafs lii. c. by Saber Robin, mu; m.i.ltilfingsgal,(Aniiill) 2 General G rusvenor's hr. m In M,i;mmeh;mkm', out of Lauresta (J. Os y) 3

Mr. Hunter's brother to Forester (Nat) 4 ltetting-6 to 4 on Ophelia.

'he I ete ere, value 100 sovereigns, by subscription of 10 sovereigns each, with Si) ad■ led ; three years, 6st. 4Ilt.; it year.. Sst.; 5 ■ ears, fist. 10Ib.; 6 years, Oct.; and aged, :1st. 211,-m:f0e5 and geldings ittlowed nb.; winners extra. as for the Ewell. Stakes. The winner to he sold for 230. o. Si'Vell Subscribers. '1' wo miles.

1 Mr. Bristow', I,. f. Languish. by Colo. 3 rears (ii Lad) Mr. Farrell's ch. g. Bohemian, 5 3 ears (larrell) 3 Lord Exeter's Byzantium, 4 ears (Darling) The following not placed-Mr. I: ingis lir. f. Lucy, .1 years ; Mr Sadler's Euroyne, 5 years ; Sir. Nesser's The I lerrnit ; late Schoolboy), 4 years ;and Mr. Reeves's hr. g. Trump. 6 years. Beth hie-- 5 to 0 in ga mist E nryone, liii 1 against Byzantium, and 3 to 1 against Trump. The c itoy000 --ma it Es or :1 sovereigns each, and 40 added ; 3 Wins, 7,1, ; -I years, Sst. ;lb.; 5 years 2,4. [lb. ; 6 years and aged, 0s1. 31b. Mile izeitts. The winner to be

sold for -120 sse-steiens. So: Ten Subscril sirs.

4 0 1 1 Mr. Crommelitt's b. It. Sitiltail. 5 years (Chapple) 7 1 3 2 Sit Ileatheme's brother to Stalely, 3 years Mr. Trelawney's lit. g. Waller, 5 yearii 1 2 2 dr.

.Mr 1). liatirlitro's: b. I. Kilt ions, years 2 dr.

Mr. I: ,.h. c. by Sultan, old or stays. tt Geores's hr. W uley. out of Lady Ern, 3 years. 35 00 .dirr. N r. Thmeas's f. my Ilratatelerf out of limo-01am Lass, 3

6 dr.

8 dr.

)1'i*:.'.111:iyes'is eh. g. lie6irin, 6 yiiars

No bett trig or any eensequettee.

Thurp,,Iqy, .11,1y 23.

The DEtillv STAKE; of 59 sovereigns (met,. h. ft.. !is- 3 years obi Sst. 71b, ; tt,,, own, ,,f „ lie'' ,mt ni am Stakes, and the Winner let pay lee soserogns tee-arab the eNpensee ut meillivuul jmuLeUmlliftS

;le and a hail. Suliseribers.

31r, Sadler's Datigerict: (Chapple)

see; cs (Tomplisuan) 1

2 Mr. Rae tinsel'', nevelt-, (CONN h`V The following hml where not placed by the Judge-Lord Exeter's Sir Robert, Mr. Iltinter's Forester. Mr. 1101141-worth's Despot, .Mr. Rhisilate's ilaucti-i, Mr. Chifutiviis PrinceI 1 t, Mr. tiremmlii s The w hate, M m J wood', Titialt,

ml' Lord N-1.1.111:011i, Hide CaSSillli, Sit G. Iliiittlic,ee's Cha-

teau:: Mragaux, Mr. Bri,itow's I incle Teliy. t. Coleman's It. e. lmrit timi I ltmi;cti no., bill, Mr. Cooper's br, e. by Cotton; Mr. Costiyis 'rile Brtmm 0, Mr. Sowerliv's I !al:thud:fir, Mr. Forth's b. c. brother to Error, Sit'. (Idiocy's b. f. liv Emilitts. Mr. Goodwin's Pagan, Duke of Grafton's .:Egyptus, Lord Exeter's Cactus. SI r. Payne's .% by Wrangler, Lord Jersey's (4lenniore. After em nsiderable fleetuations in the town and on the Dmvus, the odds finally closet thits-3 to 1 itgainst Camel's, S to l against Little Cassino (taken), S to I against Fo- rester, 8 to I against 'The whale. 10 to 1 against Sir Robert, 19 to 1 against Shoveler (taken), 18 to 1 against Revenge. 25 to 1 against TWatty, 25 to 1 agahist Dangerous (30 to 1 taken), 30 to 1 against Titian, 25 to 1 against Catalonian, 30 to 1 against Bravo, 40 to 1 against Prince Llewellyn, 40 to 1 against Shylock • 50 to 1 against brother to Error, 1,000 to 10 against 10..h. Toby, and 1,1lial to 10 against Connoisseur. " A s :night have heell expected IrOnt so large a field," saifit the ehronieler of the snort, " there were throe or hair false starts. They then got ott in line style ; and after

running a few t•st ',Ionian separated himself from the lot, and obtainifil the lead .

at a great poem' ; Forester at the same time htake from them and took the second place ; Twatty lay third ; Sir Robert, Unde l'oby. Connoisseur, Whale, and Revenge behind, Dangerous tieing in the ruck. Catalonian kept his lead till round the Tottenhant

Center, where 1:tiling and shifting of place, began. Glaneus, Prince Llewellyn, Little' Cassino, :mil i In lock were the first to give imp ; then Pagan and Uncle Toby hove to. iim zigerons showed ill front, but it was not ill within a distance and a half of home- that catalonian was fairly headed by Dangerees anti Connoisseur, who had very little

triad ile in shaking him on'. Connoisseur made his push at the Grand Stand, and was

defeated with scarcely any trouble bv a length. Revenge came up in the last fifty yards, and managed to get placed third: Catalonian was tburth ' - and the fifth has to be

divided between Sir Robert, brother to Error, Forester, and Whale. The tailing was terrible. Ills orthy of reniark that the three placed are country horses, and that the Newmarket let turned out bad without an exeeption. It is thought by many that, it'

less use had been nettle of Catalonian in the early part of the race. he would have beets

• there or thereabouts.' Besides the stakes, which i amount to 3.7251., Mr. Sadler wins a large sum in bets. The other winners are those who betted round; the losers those yell* backed horses. Dangerous came into the market only a day or two before the races. It is singular that Mr. Sadler's horses have for many years been turned out at Aids- worth, and have' been uniformly unsuccessfill for Derby and Oaks ; last year they were moved to Stockbridge, and, owing to the superiority of the training-ground, the first Derby horse trained there for him comes out and wins in a canter. What is more singular, Mr. Itawlinson's horses replaced Mr. Sadler's at Aldsworth, and his favourite nag Revenge runs a very indifferent third. It is allowed that this Derby was one of the fastest on record." SWEEPSTAKES of 5 sovereigns each, and 25 added ; 3 years, 7st. 71b.; four years, 9st.: horses that had starteefour times and not won, allowed 31b. Half a mile. Eight Subscribers. Mr. Peel's Lucy. 4 years (Chesswss) 1 Mr. T. Wood's Ambrosio, 4 years 2 The following also started. but were not placed-Mr. Bristow's Pagoda -

Friday, May 24.' The 0Aes STAKES of 50 SOV reigns each, h. ft., for fillies, But. 41b. Mile and halt. All the other conditions the same as for the Derby. 97 Subscribers.

Sir M. Wood's Vespa Duke of Grafton's Octave Mr. Button's Revelry - 3 The following also started, but were not placed-C--Mr. Barrow's f. by Whisker, Mr. Rawlinson's Funny, Sir G. 1 leatheote's Carnation, Duke of Richmond's Baleiue, Lord Egremont's sister to Gay hoist. Lord Chesterfield's Dirce, Lord Chesterfield's Weeper, Mr. Stonehewer's Chantilly, Mr. Chifney's b. 1. by Emilius, Mr. Gratwick's sister to 'Frederick, Gen. Grose,Mor's Faleinia, Col. Peel's Malibran, Lord Exeter's Antina, Mr. Cookes's Tarantella, Mr. Cosby's Diversity, Mr. Grant's 1. by Emilius.

"There were repeated fluctuations in the course of the morning ; the prices on the breaking up or the ring ;tveraging as under-2 to 1 against Tarantella ( against Shoveler ; 9 to 1 against Alecto (taken); 9 to 1 against lies e rly;,°(“t.:It'l):ec) ;t o141 to 1 against Octave ; 16 to l against Funny ; .20 to 1 against Malibran; 1AI to 1 against Baleine. The a inner was not even mentioned in the ring, and the (oily bet we heard out of it was one hundred pounds to two against her. Weeper was baeked in the town at 14 to i., is is subsequently declared to be amiss, and disappeared from the betting. At ten minutes past three o'clock, the horses started ; Weeper taking the lead at an in- different pace; Alecto anti !Saltine about a neck behind tier ; the rest in a crowd, all well up; Tarantella, sister to Frederick, Revelry, Amina, and Shoveler Ii iii g thrward. In the first quarter or a mile. Dime was beaten eleau off; and More they reached Tottenham Corner, the thvourite. Tarantella, and Funny, were fain to cot it. Weeper was in front till she bad eompleted the turn tar straight running, and theti %ad: ; sister to Frederick took up the work ; Alecto, Diversity, Baleinc, Octave. Revelry, and Amina all at her quarters, awl Vespa handy, ready to come whenever1 1 ca. 1 01, upon. At the distance the paee haute prel t y good, yet was still a long %ray off being lirst-rate. Alecto gave up here. Di% ersit y t nett at the same [thee, and A mina dhl not last many strides further. Vespa use as up with Octave, joined sister to Fred,•riek, and the three ran together till v. ii It iii fifty or sixty yards of the Chair where skier to Fre. deficit was added to t he 1:1 of I mitten horses, falling behind Revelry- (who ran on the upper side or the course), :tad just having the call of Amina for fourth. The remain- ing ground was contested with much severity hy Vespa and Octave, the former winning in the last stride by a neck. Revelry was beaten about a length from the second. Be- hind her came sister to Frederie-k. Ainitta, Shoveler. Carnation, and Diversity. Falernia, Chantilly, Weeper. laid two or three others came in in the tail of the race. but before Tarantella, Fanny. and Direr. The pace was wretched. Thus was the favourite beaten it4 the sante palpable manner as was Glaucus On the Thursday by an outsider, and by am sante joekt-y that rode the winner of the Derby. The winner ran for the 4000gs. Stakes at Newmarket See 1 Spring Meeting, and was beaten in a hand canter by Tarantella. Since then, the latter has been amiss. and Vespa has haul her throat blistered. The same remark applies to this race that was made on the Derby-all the horses were lnul. We have no reason to believe that Sir B.Wood won any considerable stake; he dhl back her some time back, but the inferiority of her running naturally deterred hint from going on, and kept her out of the market. chapple rode her with admirable patience. and is the only jockey that that has won Derby and Oaks since t he year Robinson ro.le Cedric and Cobweb. The stakes ;inward to 2,600t, subject to the usual dednetious. The settling fur this and the Derby is ex- recited to be very harmless." A PLATE of 501., given by Mr. Denison, M.P. for West Sorry : 3 years old. ist.; 4 years old. Sat. 71b.; 5 years old, 9St.; 6 years old and aged. 0st. 31b. Mares and geldings allowed 31b. The w inner to be sold for 200. S:c. Heats, two miles. Mr. T. e. by Falai, 3 years ( Nat) 1 I

Lord Conyngham's Lady Charlotte, 3 years 2 2 Mr. Palchin's Pamela, 4 years 5 3 Mr. Cookes's Drover, 4 years 3 4

Mr. ,;mith's The Fain.. 13 years 4 dr.

Mr. Day's The Sea. :; years 'bolted

First Ileati-2 to I aguitist Lady Charlotte, 3 to 1 against The Sea, and 610 1 against the winner. 'Second heat- even on the winner. Won cleverly.