Epsom races opened on Tuesday, as inauspiciously as possible ; the attendance was very thin, the weather was chill and dull, the course -was as dry and bard as a board, the stakes were paltry, and the betting small. The great feature of the day was a notice issued by the Police Commissioners, that gambling would be put down, and consequently The gaming-booths were all closed. The Craven Stakes were won, from four other horses, by Mr. Ford's Odd Mixture, ridden by Aladale; the Woodcote Stakes, from five other horses, by Mr. Edwards's
• Full Sail, ridden by Whitehouse ; the Manor Stakes, from four other horses, by Mr. Wilson's Hampton, ridden by Bewetzreeder.
The first thing seen on Wednesday, the great "Derby-day," was a strong body of Police, which took possession of the ground, the gaming- ' booth people having been reported to make some threat of resistance.
• The inhabitants of the town had memorialized Sir James Graham, set- ting forth that large sums had been paid by the booth-owners for the ose of the ground ; begging that the present races might be allowed to pan over without interference, and promising cooperation in suppress- ing gambling at future races. But Sir James Graham would not listen to ds:suasives ; the Police were instructed to enforce the prohibition-- • and all passed off quietly, notwithstanding the sullen looks of booth- weepers and thimbleriggers. The attendance was of the average kind for a Derby-day : the Grand Stand was well filled, there were the cus- tomary triple rows of carriages by the latter end of the course, and the Itorse and foot spectators thronged the ground. The first race was that for the Derby Stakes (of 50 sovereigns each, 155 subscribers,) for three-year old colts ; the owner of the second horse to receive 100 • sovereigns out of the stakes ; of the first, to pay 100/. towards the police. " Betting-5 to 2 against The Ugly Buck ; 3 to 1 against Ratan ; 10 to 1 against Running Rein ; 14 to 1 against Leander; 15 to 1 against Ionian; 20 to 1 against Orlando ; 20 to 1 against Akbar ; 20 to 1 against Qui Tam ; 20 to 1 whist Bay Momus. Outside prices against any other. " Before leaving the weighing-stand, Sir Gilbert ifteatheote intimated to the jockeys, that any and every violation of the rules advertised with regard to "starting would be followed by the infliction of the full penalty. The starter was directed to take the horses a proper distance below the post, walk them in lime up to it, and then, provided they all kept well together, to drop his flag. If by accident or otherwise any horses should be left behind, to repeat the cere- mony, once or more as occasion might require ; the flag, however, once down, the start was to be decisive. Precisely at three o'clock, but not without a couple of failures, the race commenced ; Leander taking the lead at a great pace, followed by Akbar, The Ugly Buck third, and in attendance on him Orlando and Ratan, Running Rein lying in-the wake of The Buck, and in his rear Ratan, Bay Momus, and Ionian. This constituted the front rank from the beginning of the race to its close. Leander made the running for about half a mile, when, from some unaccountable twist, his off hind-leg broke between the hock and the fetlock, and he was instantly pulled up. Running Rein now ran through his horses and took a decided lead, followed by Akbar and The Ugly Buck, who severally kept their paces round the turn, and until near the road, where both were unequivocally beaten; and Colonel Peel's two were left to follow their leader home. Orlando got within a length of him at the distance, and making his effort half-way up, slightly mended his position, bat without in any degree improving his chance for the race; Running Rein retaining his lead to the end, and winning easily by three parts of a length. Orlando heat Ionian by about two lengths, and the latter Bay Momua by a neck. The Ugly Buck was a bad fifth, Akbar next at his girths, and Ratan Seventh; the others were beaten so far that it would be idle to speak of the -order in which they passed the winning-chair. There are not two opinions as to the pace—it was tremendous throughout. Value of the stakes, 4,2500 The issue was disputed : "Mr. Wood's black colt, the Running Rein, the de facto winner of the race, is supposed not to be de jure entitled to the stakes, on account of disqualification by age ; he being supposed to be a five-year-old instead of a three-year-old, the age - prescribed by the laws of the Jockey Club, which are as stringent and immutable as those of the Medes and Persians." Colonel Peel accord- ingly claimed the stakes for his colt Orlando ; and the case is expected to come before the Judges at Westminster. The Epsom Stakes were won by Lord George Bentinck's Misdeal, ridden by Rogers ; seven other horses running. The winner was claimed to be sold for 120/. The Walton Stakes, raced for by seven
horses, were won by Mr. Booth's Centeno°, ridden by Sly ; the Burgh Stakes, from six other horses, by Mr. E. It. Clarke's Llangollen, ridden by Rogers. The races of Thursday were of minor interest, and it will suffice to name the winners : Sir Gilbert Heathcote's Khorassan, of the El. (tom four-year old Stakes, (walked over); Mr. °seta's Clearwell, of a Pro- ductive Sweepstakes ; Lord Verulam's Robert de Gorham, of the Surrey Cup and Handicap; Mr. Dawson's Dalesman, of another Sweepstakes.
Yesterday, the attendance was much thinner ; and probably not 10,000 persons witnessed the race for the Oaks Stakes of 501. each. Twenty-five horses ran for the stakes ; to which 118 subscribers con- tributed. Colonel Anson's Princess won in a canter, after a slow race ; and Lord Exeter's Merope, as second horse, obtained 100/. out of the stakes. The winner was ridden by F. Butler ; the second horse by W. Boyce. In the remaining races, the Members' Plate was the prize of Mr. Dawson's Lord Saltoun ; the Derby and Oaks Stakes, of Mr. Death's Misdeal.
Quarterly average of the weekly liabilities and assets of the Bank of England, from the 24th February 1844 to the 18th May 1844.
Circulation .. £21,393,000
£21,786,000 Deposits 13,345,000 1 Bullion 16,010A0
£34,738,000 I