The business transacted in the English Funds has been unimportant, and —prices have experienced but slight fluctuation ; closing, however, this afternoon, at the highest quotation of the week. The rumoured reduction of the interest of .aacherprer Bills has not taken place. The usual notice for calling in the bills dated in June 1843 was issued on Monday : such bills will be exchanged fur others bearing interest at the rate of lad. per diem, the rate paid upon that 'Ionian of them now current. We were in error in supposing that a delay bad occurred in issuing this notice. The bills in question are to be exchanged on the 18th June next ; and as the advertisement was issuedWillonfilia last, tiltr' usual practice of giving a month's notice has been adhered 't1t RLtkfeadialt.a has recovered the decline noticed in our last report ; and has been todeirte- 197, or 6 per cent above the lowest recent quotation. The op,nions we lag week expressed on this subject have therefore been fully justified by the result. Money is still as abundant as ever; and the rate of discount, like the price Of Stocks, now fluctuates by A per cent ; the negotiation being often confined to debating whether it is to be rated at lA or 1 per cent per annum. The business of the Foreign Market has not been much more extensive than that in the English Funds. Some large purchases have occurred in Datoh Two-and-a-half per Cents, without producing any permanent effect upon the quotations, which are today nearly the same as last week. The English pub- lic have not been very successful In their operations in this Stoek ; a. at the commencement of the year they sold Two-and-a-half per Cents hirgely between 56 and 58, purchasing at the same time Colonial Five per Cents above par. Their mode of operation recently has been to sell the same Five per Cents, which are in a course of partial reduction, and purchase Two-and -a half per Cents at 61 and upwards. The Dutch capitalists have therefore reaped a double profit, selling Two-and-a-half per Cents at a considerable advance and buying Five per Cents at a like reduction. No fluctuation or busine.s of im- portance has occurred in the other Foreign Bonds; even Spanish Stock, the most speculative of any, having been steady within the narrow limits ul about
per cent variation.
Some very extensive transactions have occurred in Railway Shares; and in some cases considerable fluctuation has taken place. During the early part of the week, the general aspect of the market was heavy; and although a large demand occurred in one or two instances for particular varieties, the prices of nearly all the leading investments were lower. Today, however, a better
ing prevails: and Birmingham, which were at 220, have been done at 225. Bristol and Exeter, which were on Monday at 84, are an exception, being to- day at 79A 80a. A demand has occurred for Croydon at an improvement ot from 1/. to 2/. in consequence of the passing of the bill for extension of this railway to Epsom. This new line will he entirely constructed upon the atmospheric principle ; and the inhabitants of the Metropolis will now have an opportunity of judging between the conflicting decisions of those eminent engineers Messrs. WALKER, CURITT, and STEPHENSON ; the two former of whom advocate the adoption of the system, while the latter considers it inapplicable to extensive lines of railway. The Paris and Orleans, Rotten and Havre, and other Freneb Railways current in our market, continue to improve, in-consequence of the great rise that has occurred in them in Paris; which, from the steady increase in the traffic, promises to he permanent. The Greenwich, Brighten, and some others, are also sought after at advances, either from the result of zuccessfei applications to Parliament for the formation of diverging or continuing liner, or the promulgation of intended schemes of a like nature.
The business occurring both in the English and Foreign markets is..quite unimportant, and prices are the same as yesterday ; the great majtnity ot oar quotations being only nominal. The following bargains have occurred In Railway Shares : Birmingham and Gloucester, 91 92; Caledonian 3A Chester and Holyhead, 6*; Eastern Counties, New, Registered, rat; Great Western, 75; ditto Fifths, 21i; London and Birmingham, 223; Manchester and Leeds, 104a ; ditto, Half Shares, 44; Newcastle and Darlington Junction, 201; South- eastern and Dover, 371; Trent Valley, 8A Paris and Orleans, 39a a: Paris and Rouen, 39A 39. SA RD Turoro k The only change occurring in English Securities is iT B.AT n Bask Stork; whit&
u r
oe oot. has advanced la per cent, being quoted at 198A. The Foreign Fut:tunase nearly at our morning's prices.
The following bargains have occurred in Railway Shares, in addition to those given in the morning: Birmingham and Gloucester, 91 92; Bristol and Exeter, 79a; Ditto and Gloucester, 46; Dublin and Cashel, 51i; Eastern Drawler, 111 4- 6; Great Western, Half-Shares, 74*; Harwich, (Locke's,)2i; Birm ham, 223; Ditto, New Thirds, 37; Ditto, Quarter-Shares, 26; Brighton, 461; Ditto, Loan-Notes, 111; Greenwich, 7* 67; Ditto, Preference, 19 South- western, Eighths, 3A a 3; Croydon, 19 18i; Manchester and Dirmingharn, 55* ; North British, 2; South-eastern and Dover, 11i 11; Trent Valley, 9; York and North Midland, 17A 4.
3 per Cent Consuls Ditto for Account
59f I 65t 1
Colombian ex Venezuela ...
Danish 3 per Cents
57 9 3 per Celli Reduced
981 Dutch 24 per Cents
61 f
klf per Cent Ditto.
1011 1 Ditto 5 per Cents . .
loot '11 11134417: atm
New 34 per Cents
1024 f Mexican 5 per Cents Cons41. :$5 Mutt Stock
1974 134 Ditto Deferred
Exchequer Rills prem. 72 4 Portuguese New 5 p. 1241 46 7 India Stock
285 7 Russian 5 per Cents
Brazilian 5 per Cents
804 14 Spanish (Actire)5per Ceuta 244 1
Bei/pail 5 per Cents
103 4 Ditto 3 tier Cents 1542 :51 1 Chit ian 6 per Cen is ......
102 4 Venezuela Active ?kJ 410