25 MAY 1844, Page 19


Tuesday, May 21.


Shield acid Co. Newcastlempuu•Tyne. ship brokers-Evans and Colley, Cripplegate Builaings. Wood Street. umbrellalminufamurers-Shephard and Mosley. Nettiugham. dyers- Lewis and ;Scutt, Lombard Sweet Iluillbugs. merchants--Suell suit Co. South- ampton. iroufouuders-R. and H. Baulield, Holies Street. Cavendish Square, °Japers. -Parker said Handley. Mealier. euruznerchants-Ellins and Smith, Droittsich. salis• Maillifacturers-Parker and Settle, Leeds, brokers - Robinson and Cll. Charles Street Drury Lams paper-sainers; as far as regards A. Robinson -Hameln and Co. Ham- mersmith.orbuibus preprieture ; as far as rewards J. Rempshall--liushee and Cu. Ea therbiate, coal-tar refiuers-Broadben a. turd tliurison, Bradford, Ysrkslitre, stuff- manuincturers-Flash emu and &thick, Dover, upholsterers-T. and T. Lee. Mans cheater. architects-Pitney and Streeter. Lissa' Grote, drapers-W. and J. Bowden, Tyler Street, Regent Street. toolmakers. iiECLARATititie or ININALYEMCY ONOZR Tilt New ear.

Seabrook, .Little Werley. Essex, baker-Cror.kellaw. Egertou within Turku' Lauda, shire, butcher-Smith. Harrison Stieet. Gray's Mu Road, attorney's-clerk-Ken:ht. Newick. SWAMI, corn chamiler-Coles. Cleveland street, Fitzroy Square, tailor-- Clark, Thornton Street, Dockhead. baker- Strop. Gilbert sheet. Groat emir Square,. . out of busiuess - Wham tipper Norton Sweet, clerk-1%de. New Church Road. Cam• berwell, atturoey's-clerk - Newark, Ozturd, miltiuer-Hurst. 114ruchwaer bookkeeper -Howe, Sheffield. table-blade forger-Cobb, Gerrie. Yorkshire. bricklayer - Hudson, Burley, Yorkshire, out of busiuess-Young. Miley ers Street. Huston. cowkeeper's. assistaut-Mauwering, Worcester, tailor - Edmiours, Mee ow Pmee, South Litubeths plumber -Weaver, Toecester, tailor-Powell, North Birkeuhead, coal dealer —Hats- Well, Wale•orth Cummou. out of business - Rode, Sandwich, out of business -Wright,. Peterborough, out of busioess -Smith, Calverley, joiner-Mu:death. Tozteili Park, teacher ef navigatiou-Nicul junior, Lincoln, out of bustuess-Crippe, Miserdens Gloucestershire. shoemaker -111ackiutosh, Cteeve, Umucester hire-Gure, Bel‘edeett Crescent. Pedlar's Acre. engteeer - Coker, Loddou. Nurtu;k. shoerooker - W■uch. Herne Ray, schoolmaster's-assistant-Doughty, Cambridge, coachman -Norman. King Street, Bloomsbury, compositor.


GATHRECOLis T.. junior, Deptford. coal merchant.


READ, W., and Peon, E., Ipswich, shipbuilders.


Armes. Isaac, Gifts& butcher, to surrender May 28. July 3; solicitor, Mr. Ford., ; Bloomsbury Square ; official assignee. Mr. Jolise4.u, Basiughali Street. • Business. ILLIAM liutel.Awo, Waltham Holy Cross, Essex. Sill: throe/stet, May June 28 : solicitor. Cox, Puniers* Hill; official assignee, Belcher, Kius'e Arms 1 ard. CAVJANS. MMUS. 2411.0.411.Wry. billiarG June S. Jul, 1: eoltaters, 1dt. Shoessbury ; Mr. Reece. Biriniugham; uQictish amiguee, Mr. Whauusre. Coopire., Jugs, Sureey Lane. Sinehwartc, wheels tight. May 34, July 2; atiacators., Meseta. Brady stud Sou. Staple Iuu ; official asaiguee, Mr. Whitmore, Besiughell Street FLLICH ER, WILLIAM, Sedgley, &ASA-fit:Woe, 1441teler, June 4, 25 : *Abater, Mr. He, . blesser, WoMethaniptou ; official aaeiguee. Mr. t:hreate, Ifirmiughant. GRAY. WILLIAM Sheffield. waft merchaut. June 1, July 5; e..licalure, Mr. MOMS Cloak Lauer Mr. Hyena. Sheffield; and Mr. Blackburn, Leeds ; carnal assignee. ME. Bremen, Lamle. , }Was, LISW.Sasiatneaens•Tannton,,Isa.41,01.4.11ane 6,„July,34 culicittes, Meese& 1411/e44

and Mathews. Bury Court, St. May Axe ; Mr. Terrell, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Hernaman. Exeter.

Lewis. Maar Derby. straw bonnet-manufarturer. June 4.25 : solicitors, Messrs. Williamson and Shaw. Derby: official assignee. Mr. Valpy. Birmingham. Licenrso. WILLIAM, }Utah-mere. surrey. licensed victualler. May O. June 28 : so- licitors. Mr. Whittaker, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr.King, Godalming; ulficial assignee, Mr. Pennell, liasingball Street.. MORRISON. PEARSON [beaten, Hammersmith. merchant, May 28. July 10: solicitors, Mr. Fiddy Teeple ; 'transom. Sheffield ; fficial 'assignee. Johnson. Basin:0141 Street. PARKER. Davin. Salford. hop-merchaut June 4. 26 : solicitors. Messrs totals= and Co. Temple ; Mr. Hama Manchester ; official assignee. Mr. Hobsou. Maechester. RILEY.K WAND, Stratford-upoteAvoli. wocer. June 3. July 1 : soliciters, Messrs. Hill and Mathews. St. Mary Axe ; Mr. Bray. Birmingham ; official assiguee, Mr. Bittlestou, Birmingham. SNELLING JANE.. Blackmail Street. eatingliottsc keeper. May 29. June 26 : solicitor, Mr. Cox, Site Lane • offieial assignee Mr. JuIlliC011. Ba intim!! street. WARD. JOHN, Westlaromwich. ia.actrmarker. nine 3 Joly I : solicitors, Mr. Milani. Westbromwich ; Mr. Hodgson, Barmiest's= ; official assignee, liatlestoo, Birmiugham.


June 11. Walter. °wane. Northamptoushire grocer-June 11. Jupp, Little Hamp- ton. cure merchant-June IL Peeler. Reading, woollendraper -June I 1. Garuev. Wellington Street, Southwark. hatter-June 13. W. and J. Banner. Uxbridge. seed- erushers-June 14. Clairchill. Derldingtun Oxfordshire. scrivener-June 14. Planting. George Yard. Lombard Street, nierchaut -June 14. Brown. Oxford Street. cheese- monger-Jene II. Hone. Hatton Garden. stationer- June 13. Bourne, Marton in-the- Moors. Staffordshire. printer-Juue 24. Bower. Baal ral, Stuffed-hire. banker-June 12, Pearce, Stone. Staffordshire. miller-June 13, Brown, Weymouth. tea-dealer June 14, Obborne. Truro, waxer- Juue 12. Gamer, Lit erpool. cattier-broker-June 12, Clapham, Liverpool. woullendlapor-June II, Norman. Penketh. Laincanthire. sail- cloth-mantifacturrr-June 12. Liverpool, merchant-June 13, N. N. and R. Solly, Rowley Regis, iruumasters.


To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the day of 'weeny. June 1 I. realer. Rea ling. woollendraper-Juue li, Phillips. Sauna:moan Street, Covent Garden. printaelter -June 11, Ruffell. Greenwieli, linendraper -June II. Game. Long Melfard. Suffolk. core dealer-June 13. ball, Guudge Street, cabinet- maker-Jima 18, Ketson, Canterbury, builder-June 12. Deane. Southampton. coach- builder-June 11. Mason, Bury Si. Edmund's. coach roprietor - Julie 11. Law. tepee. Hurnsey, merchant-Juno 13. Lewis Axbridge, Sumersetshire. baker-June 11.

Nelson. Liverpool. millwright Julie I Ball. Liverpool. chemist Jame 11, Robert- son. Liverpool, dna:Ater -June 12, Pearce. Storm. Siaffol &hire. miller-Jane 12. Glasebrmak. Itirmaigham. carpenter - June 12. Brown. Weymouth. tea-deuler-Juue

13, Osborne. Trona grucer-Joue 13, Alexander. Pendleton. common•breaer. To be granted. enters cause he shaft,. to the contrary. an or on 5, June 11. Hughes, Liverpool, paiutrr- Wood. First street. bookseller-Blake Edgeware Road. linetelraper-Alsop. Manchester. grocer-Breuer. Liven not. flag-dealer- Murphy. Liverpool. grocer- Mars= Chigwell. blacksmith-Tuck. Haymarket, sitver- stpith-Jultasou, Lant Street, Southwark, carpenter.


Hood, Burslem. earthenware manufacturer: sealed div. of Id. any Thursday Mr.

Christie, Ilia miegliam -Ewau, Presto. linendraper; div. of 2s. Old May :18. or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Ilobsun. Manchester-Coates. Manelissier. merchant ; final db.. of 318. May 29. or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Hub-on, alauchester--Woud and Port. Burneourau-Trent screw manufacturers; first div. of 6s 92. May ad. or soy subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Whitmore thrminghtim-Davioeu, Manton. Yorkshire. farmer ; sew= ilia. of Is. 88. (iu albinism to 4s 3d. Is enters!). declared.) klas 25. or any :subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Neweastle-upun Tyne- Runner, Newcastle- upon-Tyne. uil.merchant ; third and final the. o128. nod 3-1bOths of a penny. (in addi- tion to 98. previously declared,) May 25. or any subsequent Satsuday ; Mr. Baker, Niwcastle-upou•Tyne.


Heim R. W., Leith. stationer. May 30 June 17. 111•CoLL, J., Glasgow. nrovision- merchant. May 27. June 17. WiLsua, A., Edinburgh, cattle-dealer. May 25. June 17.

Friday, May 24.


Bradley and Co. Tipton, Staffordshire, iron-masters-Whaley and Pearson, Don- caster, wIne-dealers-Cugnord and Mottram. LarrIt1 a C udint Street. linendrapers- Friirtuank and Sons. Bradford. carriers- Fox and Co. Leeds. cloth guishers-Falcouer and Peach. Derby, ironfouudera-Hrath and Taylor, Amersham. Buckiugliamshiae. solicitors -Forater and Dobson. Darlington, Durham. nitre-merchants Venables mud CO. Liverpool, commission-agents- L. and J. Hulbeek. New Baud Stseet. embroiderers -Hewitt and Pullan. Kingston-upon Hull. merchants-Styau and Jackwat. Leeds. ex- cavaters- Moore and Derain. New Sleafurd. Lincolualere. atturuirs-Hall and Co. Wharton. Clwslaire. saltananufactuters -Merriman and Phillips Barbican, publiehers -Laidler aud Charlton, Hartlepool. ship chaudlers-J. aliantletou and Bother. Man- chester, flarianea-met chants ; as tar as regards J. Lord-Prestwleh and Sun, Mark Lane. wine-merchants-Spinal and Sou, Eldiuburgh. silk-mercers; as far as regards J. Spinal.


Kersting. Oxford Street. Stepney. *eh, otmasier - Cole, New Church Road. Camber- well, alto, riey's-clerk-Ack.and. Mapledurwett. Hampshire, out of business- Fury. Chester, hatcher-Bridge. Haltiwell. Lancashire. foreman in a stone (marry-Din lea Toxteth Park. Lancashire. landing-waiter-Rovaley, Sheffield. chimney sweeper - Sams ay, Vitiating. Kent. brewer-Doyle.. Lisa pool, mariur-store-deater-Itaidell. Throated. Essex a heelwright-Girliug Nonhamplun. veterinary singeou-Baaliam. Fieldgale street. Whitechapel. out of business-Walker. Fetter Lane. tailor-thiver. Blenheim Place. St. John'e WuCul, clerk-Illauchaid. Charles Street. Chelsea out of business-Ws men Southampton. stavard of a steam-sit p - Tovey. Bristol, carriage lamp-manufacturer-Shotbott, Pinchbeck. Lincolnshire. innkeeper-Wedge, Hollo- way, foremaa to a joiner-Turuer, Si. Albau's Street, Lambeth, merk-Glover, Great Bland Street. Great Dover Street. clerk.


BABE, T., Manchester, common-breeer.


DAYID3074, THOMAS. Stockton-upon-Tess, grocer, tosnrrender. June 7. 24: solicitors.

Messrs Nixon, Ss mend's ; Mr. Brigual, Durham ; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle- upou Tyne.

Joussoe, James CRAWFORD. and CHAPMAN, WILLIAM, Manchester. manila tering- chemists June 4. 26: solicitors, Mears. 1 lall and au. Gray's luu ; Mr. Lee- ming. Manchrater ; offic.al assignee, Mr. Pat, Manchester. MARTIN. JoSEPH WHITE Nev. mai-art. chymist. Juue 4. July 5: solicitors, Messrs. Jones. and Co. John Street. Bedford Row; Mr. Marriott, Colchester; official assagnee, Mr. Pennell. Basingball Street. PARAIN, WILIAAM, S0,1111LoMpt011 grocer. May 29. July 3: solicitors, Messrs. Walker. and Cu. Southampton Rico, Bloomsbury; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basingloall Street.

PIKS. JAMES MILTON, Great Bath Street. Coldbath Square, victualler, June 4 July, 4: salicitor. Mr. Stuart, New Inn; official assignee. Mr. Turiplaud, 0.d Jenny Chambers.

Purr. JOHN. Longdon. Worcestershire. innkeeper. June 4 July 5: solicitors. Messrs. Bird and Co. Upton-.n-Severn; Mr. Bioxham, Birmingham; official caigner, Mr. Christi,', Bir manals,m. SMITH. i.t,. Maachester. calico printer. Jane 4, July 1: solicitors. Messrs Makin- g= and Sanders. Temple; Atkinson and Saunders. Mauclicater; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.

WEBB, BLOOMFIELD, High Street. Southwark , cheesemonger, May 31. :Illy 5: sell. citors. istessra. Brows, and Co. M lacing Law; official assignee, Mr. Whitmare, Hades- hall Street.


June 14, Clarke. Banbury, linendralier- June 14, Revreads, Great St. Helen's, merchant -June 14,0tley, St James's Street, milliner-31nm 14. Valizeller. Great Winchester Street. merchaut-Juue 14. Jardine. Liverpool, merchant-June an, Pape. St Philip aud Jacob. Bristol, copper-matiefacturer.


• To be granted. tallest cause be *barn to the cmttrary. on the day of meeting. June la. Staples Southampton, milliner-1=e l4. Amos. Kingsland Road builder- June 14. Tarvsr, Daventry. irsnfouuder-June 15 lirsson, Addle Street cummission• agent-June 14, Cannanglon. Newport, Moutuantlashire- June 17. Wuod, Ingram, Konhumberlaud, bauker-June 21, Harri gt u Kiadermingier, plumber. 7o be granted. entess cause be shown to the contrary. on or brfirrr June 14. Bell. Bristol. aputhecary-Lubbock, Butcherball Lane. victualler - Charles. Radipole Donsetshire. brick maker-Tapp, Wigmure Street, mach mak, r-Bentley, Ecelestuu. Lancashire. catico-printer-Lumbley Cantina! Road, vicanaller-Rhowtes. Mauches- eldrit•dealer--Douglass, Newcastle-ripen-Tyne, ropismanufacturer-Savid, Ruin

ford, grocer-Todd, Hylton Ferry. Durham, ship-builder-Burt, Harrow Rondo fibard- ing-huuse-keeper.


Chertham. Stockport, surgeon ; div. of 6s. 28. May 28. or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Stanway.Mauchester-Taylor. Great Winchester Street. merchant ; first die. of 9s. soy Wednesday • Mr. Pennell, Basiughall Street -Turner. Graeae Place, Huston, cabinetmaker; first'iliv. o51. 64. any Weduesday; Mn. Penuelt. BIsiughall Street- Prior. Siso Lane. stationer; second die. of Is. 48. any Wednesday ; Mr. Pennell, Ba- shighall atreet-Chamberlain' Peckham. linendraper d first div. of 61 68. any Wednes- day ; Mr. Pennell. BasingballStreet-Worthiugton. Maucheoter, draper; third div. of Is. 94. any Weduesday ; Mr. Pennell. Basiughall Street -Courtney, Great Marlbo- rough Sheet, bookseller; first div. of 3s. 3d. any Wednesday; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Stone. Birmingham. printer; first div. of 2s. 7d. any Thursday; Mr. Valpy, Birmiugharn-J. and J. Potter. Manchester. cotton-spinners; first div. of 5s. 68. June 1 I. or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Fraser. Mauiliester-Catou, Preston. ironmonger; second div. of Is. 28. June 4, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Fraser, ktauchearter-

Seddon Middle Helton. Lancashire. coal•dealer ; of 3s 98. uud 31-32 parts uf Id. May 28. or shy subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Hobson, Manchester-Arrowsmith. Burnley,. Laticashi e. meicer ; first die. of 5s. May 28. or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Hob-


BANNERMAN. C. M., Glasgow, merchant. May 28, June 18.

SING. W.. Glasgow. victualler. May 30. June 20.

kl•Gaxo...e, A., Glasgow, baker. May 30. June sO.

PARK. R., East Kilbride. Lanarkshire, innkeeper. May 29, June 19.