25 MAY 1850, Page 18


The Shoe and the Canoe ; or Pictures of Travel in the Canadas, illus- trative of their Scenery and of Colonial Life, &c. With numerous Plates and Maps. By John J. Bigsby, M.D. In two volumes. lYee Hungarian Revolution. Outlines of the Prominent Circumstances attending the Hungarian Struggle for Freedom ; together with brief Biographical Sketches of the leading Statesmenand Generals who took part in it. By Johann Pragay, Colonel and Adjutant-General in the Hunn Army under Kossuth. Anne sort ; a Tale of Everydny life. Tn three volumes.

Sermons. Byloseph Sortain, A.B., of Trinity College, Dublin, Minister of North Street Chapel, Brighton. [A volume of sound and closely-written ifiscourses, on some of the most im- portant topics of moralibf, doctrine, and religious opinion ; the last distin- guished br a breadth and liberality rarely met with in theoloev,,.. The ser- mon on Deference to Conscience, preached from Paul's Epistle to the Ro- mans, about the disyutes of the new converts respecting the observance of the Mosaic ceremonies, is a remarkable example of rigid adherence in things essential and of wise Panty in secondary matters. Were such a spirit more general, there -would be less of scandal and religious qiumel, and less per- Impe of schism, in the churches.] Me English Party's _Excursion to Paris in Easter Week 1849. To which is added, a Trip to America, &c. By J. lk, Esq., Barrister-at- law.

lYn1827, 4' J. B., Esq., barrister-at-law," made a trip to America ; and in he joined Mr. Crisp's excursion-parts to Pa "ras, on what was called the " return visit " to the National Haerds to London. It would seem that the traveller kept a manuscript account of both journies ; with the perusal of which be favoured his friends, SO that they rNumted him to publish the Parisian memoranda. Both narratives are superficial affairs, and the American trip is ant of date. The account of the return visit gives a good idea of what Paris weuld seem to the bulk of the excursionists ; but it is rather overladen by extracts.]

Earnestness : the Sequel to "Thankfulness." By Charles B. Taylor, M.A. he time of this tale is towards the close of the last century, when the

in England was cold and dead. The subject is the earnest vital re- ligion of an excellent clergyman advanced to a bishopric, and the beneficial affect which he produces on various persons in his diocese. In a didactic mere, perhaps the book hardly carries out the plan of the author, because the reforms effected by the bishop are personal rather than episcopal. They mostly arise from the influence of his own character and that of his wife and daughter, rather than from any peculiar exercise of his function as a inshap : but this, which may be a fault in theory, is a practical advantage- eausing the introduction of many sketches of society in an episcopal town, draws with Mr. Charles Taylor's usual truth and quiet elegance of style.] The Arerourer's Daughter, or the Border Riders ; a Novel. In three

volumes [The subject of this romance is the adventures of the impostor Perkin War-

; and "the armonrer's daughter" is the child of the craftsman with -whom Perkin is working when the tale opens. In point of startling changes of fortune, variety of scene, a marked sera, and marked dramatis pereonre, the subject appears to 118 a Very good one ; but the author is wanting ill S. know- ledge of the period, and in independence of mind. His idea of the age of Henry the Seventh is not real but conventional, drawn from the repre- sentations of the historical novel. In manner, the fiction is like numerous other fictions ; a good enough tale, but a second-hand repetition of Scott's romances.]

The Burden of the Bell, and other _Lyrics. By T. Westwood, Author of "Beads from a Rosary."

[A collection of miscellaneous .poerae, some of them consisting of short tales. There is both fancy and force in many of the pieces, but as yet Mr. West- wood's poems are rather promises than performances.]

Fables by the Baron de Steuart, of the Royal Academy of Belgium, &e. Translated from the seventh edition of the original. By Jolnollenry Keane.

"The greater portion of this book was originally published in 1818. The • es attained a good deal of popularity on their first appearance; though they seem to us to want the terseness and apt application of this class of composition. They may, however, suffer somewhat from the translation, which is forced and prosaic.] Feelings and Fancies, expressed in Poems, chiefly Lyrical ; to which are added, Papers on some of the more Recent Latin Poets, with original Translations. By the Reverend William Cross, Tioe-Principal West- Riding Puprietary School, Wakefield. The relaxations of a Wholarin the intervals of a wearing profession. T he fiat part of the volume consists of miscellaneous poems ; the second, of lalf- a-dosen papers on modern Latin poets, republished with some revision from. a paiodicaL]

Alphouso Barb°, or the Punishmeut of Death ; a Tragedy, iu three acts. By Charles F. Ellermann.

Fame, or the Real and the Ideal; an original Play, in fire acts. By Henry Osborn.

The reprints of the week, though not numerous, are valuable. The four- teenth volume of Alison 's " History of Europe " brings to a close the library edition of that extensive and popular work. The fifth edition of Brodie on the " Diseases of the Joints" contains much new matter, the result Of eon- tinned Observation and reflection; many. of the " cases " of the earlier edi- tions giving place to the general conclusions to -which they and simile' r in- etaness led. There are noparticular additions to "Black's Picturesque Tour- ist in Scotland," but new information is dropped in where any has been discovered, the book has been revised throughout, and sonic new engravings and charts are added.

History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 11315. By Archibald Alison, LLD., &e. New edition, with Portraits. "Volume XIV.

Pathological and Surgical Observations on the Diseases of the Joints. By Sir Benjamin C. Brodie, Bart., Y.P.B.S. Fifth edition, with al- terations and additions.

Black's Picturesque Tourist of Scotland. Eighth edition.


Sketch of the Lift and Works of the late Felix Mendelesohra Bartholdy ; being the Substance of a Lecture delivered at the Camberwell Lite- rary Institution, in December 1849. By Jules Benedict.

Letter to Sir Robert Inglis, Bart., in Reply to his Speech on Uni- versity Reform, 23d April 1850. By the Reverend C. A. Row, }LA., of Pembroke College, Oxford.

Suggestione on University Reform, &c. By the Reverend Thomas Bis- set, M.A., &c.

Suggestions for Naking more Easy and Elective a Vision of the Cruiser- eity of Old Aberdeen, including King's College, and the bid:Ivrea!! Aberdeen, including .Marischal College. Bterirdt111148 Clark, M.R, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Aberdeen.

A Letter to the Provost of Eton College, on the Election of Scholars the two Foundations of King Henry VI. By George Williams,- B.D., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge.

A Sermon on John iii. 5, preached in the Church of St. Thomas Apple- ton, on Sunday, 7th April -1850, in referenoe to the Case of Gorham v. Bishop of Exeter. By Edward Arthur Litton, M.A.

Canterbury Papers, No. 3.

Three Lectures on the Principles of Taxation, delivered at Queen's Col- lege, Galway, in 'nary Terns WO. By Denis Caulfield Heron, Bar- rister-at-law.

The Ilea= of Preserving Life and Property, and of Promoting. Eu- ropean Trade, by the more general use of Southampton and other Ports an the South Coast, &e..