Wes-OFFICD, May 17.-5th Begt. of Drag. Guards-R. T. Cadman, Gent. to be Gimlet, by purchase, vice Helfoni, promoted. 10th Light Drags.-J. E. Severn, Gent. to be Comet, by purchase, vice Clements, promoted. 14th Light Drags.-H. T. Clements, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Smith, promoted. 10th Light Drags.-Cornet J. E. Vivian to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Clancy, who retires ; O. B. Brice, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Vivian. lot Foot-H. A. Williams, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Draper, who ressigus. 4th loot-Lieut. J. L. M'Andrew to be Capt. by purchase, vice Faunee, promoted in the St. Helena IWO.; Ensigm 0. T. Cocks to be Lieut. by purchase, vice M'Andrew ; H. E. Forster, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Knott, appointed Adjt. ; T. W. Breton, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Cooks, promoted. 10th Foot-G. C. Bartholomew, Gent to be Ensign, by purchase, vim Whatte, promoted. 12th Foot-11. C. Saunders, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Babson. promoted. 15th Foot-It. IL Moore, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vineCosoper, promoted. 28th loot-Capt. Huey. from the 40th Font, to be Capt. viceGoale, who exchanges; Ensign T. IL L. Phipps, from the 68th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Halyburton, who exchanges. 29th Foot- Lieut W. F. Stethelin to be Captain, without purchase, vice Handhold, deceased. Ensign E. IL Pneke to be Lieut. Viet Stehedin. 30th Footo-Lieut. F. A. Edwardes to be Capt. by purchase, vice Lowry. who retires; Ensign C. AL Green to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Edwardes. 31st Fout-R. B. Stuart, Gent to he Ensign. hgpur- chase, vice Pedder, promoted. ilth Foot-A.. W. Boyce, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, rice Persse, promoted ; J. A. Holder, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice O'llea, appointed to the 25th Foot. 35th Foot-Capt. It. H. Hutchinson to be Major, by purchase, vice Browne, who/ether& ; Lieut. E. P. Cooke to be Capt. by purchase, vice autrithemo ; Ensign It. E. Moore to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Cooke. 40th Foot-Capt..1. T. Guile, from 28th Foot, to be Capt. vice Huey, who eschanges. 41st Foot-H. Ecelee, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Balguy, ; romoted. 47th Foot-F. E. Dress, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase. Nice Steven- son, promoted. 48th Foot-C. E. Noel, Gent. to be Ensign, by purche vice Telt, ton, promoted in 7th Foot. 49th Foot-E. W. Rent, Cent. to be Ensign. by muo chase. vice Couolly. promoted. 50th Foot-F. G. N. Clarke. Gent. to be reign, by purchase. vice Ringsmill, promoted; W. G. Dashwood, Gent. tote Ensign, by purchase, vice Shirley, promoted. 53d Foot-Lieutenant John Keys liumfrey, from 56th Foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Perry, appointed Pa aster 87th Foot. 46th Foot-Limit. G. St. Leger G. • ordpo is allowed to retire the service by the sale of his commissions. 59th Foot-Ensign I. G. Chopman to be lieut. by purchase, vice Wade, who retires ; T. L. Bell, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, -vice Kerr, appointed to 98th Foot. 68th Foot-Ensign R. M. Ilalyburton, from 28th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Phipps, who exchanges. 72d k'oot-W. D. 0. Hay, Gent. to be Eneign, by purchase, vice Anderson, promoted. 734 Foot-A.A. Aitchison. Goat. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Walsh, who retires. 78th Foot-S. V. IL Memos Gent. to be Ensign, by purclume, vice Roche, promoted. 82d Foot-T. E. Green. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Collings, promoted. 84th Foot-P. Chute. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, rice Pope, appointed to the ad Foot. 92d Foot- Ensign J. W. Anderson to be Lieut. by purclume, vice C. Campbell, who retires; IL H. Thorold. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Macdonald, who retiree. 97th Foot-IL Barg, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice PiPtel011,0 retiree.
Cape Mounted NiSeimos-Brevet Lieut.-Col. G. T. C. Napier to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Armstrong, who retiree; Capt. C. H. Somerset to be Major, by purchase, vice Napier.
St. Helena Begt- Capt. T. Faunce, from the 4th Foot, to be Major, by pure:nese, vice Woollard. who retires.
Wan-ovricx, May 21.-6th Itegt. of Dragoon Guards-Breast Col. C. Slice, from, half-pay Unatt to be Lieut.-Col. vice Brevet Gal. J. Jackson, who exchanges ; Brevet Lieut- Col. D. Hay to be Lieut.-CuL by purchase, vice Slice, who retires; Brevet Major M. R. Jones to be Major, by purchase, vice Hay ; Lieut. B. J. Morton to be Capt. by purchase vice Jones ; Cornet T. C. N. Norbury to be Lieut by pur- abase, vire Morton. 7th Dragoon Guards-Comet W. W. Lamb to be Lieut. by intr.- chase, Moe De la Cberois, who retires. 7th Light Drags.-Sag. A.. H. Cowen, from the.60th Foot, to be Burg. rite Lauson, der- 5th Begt. of Foot-Ifejur P. M. N. Guy to be Lieut -Col. by purchase, vice Johnson, who retires; Capt. V. C. Kennedy to be Msjor, by purchase, vine Guy; Lieut. Thomas Bellew to be Captain, by purchase, vice kennedy ; Sec. Lieut. J. Flood to be First Lieut by purchase, vice Bellew. 7th Foot-Lieut. W. D. Shipley, from the 64th Foot, to be Lieut. visa Wallace, appointed to the 26th Foot. 21st Foot-Sec. Lieut. T. F. Hobbs to be First Lieut. by ;nuclease, vice Irwin, who retires. 23d Foot-See. _Lieut. F. 11.11. Dare to be Fleet Lieut. by purchase, vice Brady, who retires. 26th Foot-Lieut. W. E. Wallace. from the 7th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Ilinchliff, appointed to the 61% Foot. 34th Foot-Ensign W. T. Cockburn, from the 79th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Adderley, who exchanges. Rd Foot-Brevet Col. G. Gawler, from half-pay Unatt. to be Lieut.-CoL vice R. French. who exchanges ; Major H. S. Davis to be Lieut.- Cot by purchase, vice Gawler, who retires ; Capt. G. Campbell to be Major, by pur- chase, vice Davis ; LieuLM. Du PreStronge to be Capt. by purchase, vioe Campbell; Ensign C. P. Blatbwayt to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Strong; Ensign Paul •n R. S. Marquis of Hastings, front the 634 Foot, to be Ensign, vice .Mathwait. 56th Foot.- Lieut and Atilt. F. AL Ramsay has been permitted to resign his commission of Adjt. only. 60th Foot.-Surg. T. A. Alexander, from half-pay 'Mae Brigade, to be Burg. Surg. vice Cowen, appointed to the Tilt Light Drags. 64th Foot-Lieut. C. H.11.neho hill, from the 26th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Shipley, appointed to the 7th Foot. 07th Foot-Major T. J. Adair to be Lieut-CoL by purchase. vice Orange, who retiree: Capt. S. IL Murray to be Mer, by purchase, vice Adair; Limit. F. R. Taylor to be Capt. by pur. vice Murray. 79th Foot-Ensign IL IL Adderley, from the 35th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Cockburn, who exchanges. 91st Foot-Surg. D. Armstrong, from the 14th Foot, to be Surg. vice Forrest, promoted on the Staff.
Cape Mounted Riflemen-Lieut. it. J. Brandy to be Capt. by purchase, vice Fraser, who retires • Lieut. J. S. Warren to be Capp. by purchase, vice Somerset, promoted; Ensign W. Il. C. Goodison to be Lieut. Ly purchase, vice Brandy ; Ensign G. Bs Whitmore to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Warren. Hospital Staff-Surg. J. Forrest, M.D. from the 91st Foot, to be Staff Burg. of the First Class, vice Mellor, dec. Crewe or Oaincaxer., May 90.-Royal Begt. of Artillery-First Lieut. E. B. Haw- ley to be Sec. Capt. vioe Peter, retired upon half-pay; Sec. Lieut. L. B. Higgins to be First Lieut. vice Heasley.
WAII-OPPICE, May 2d.-Scots Fusilier Guards -Lieut. and Capt. E. J. Stracey to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. by purchase, view Elrington, who retires; Ensign and lieut. W. Aitchison to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase. lire 8tracey ; W. W heatieY. Gent. to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice Aitchison. .15th Bee- of lout-Ensign F. P. Hopkins to be Lieut. by purchase, vim Smitlt who retires. 74th Fout-Brevet Lieut-Col. A. W. Dashwood, from half-pay Unatt to be Mayor. vice A. F. *moll, who exchanges; Capt. A. Senn, to be Major, by purchase, vice Dashwood, who retires ; Limit. W. C. Bruce to be Capt. by purchase, vice Saban; Ensign J J. Gordon
to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Bruce. 98th Foot-Ensign Muller to be Lieut. by purchase, vioe Steele, promoted in the St. Helena Begt. ; Ensign F. G. N. Clarke, from the 50th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Moller.
St. Helena Refit.-Lieut. A. F. Steele, from the 98th Foot, to be Omit. by pur- chase, vice Keating, who retires.