25 MAY 1850, Page 20



(Last Official Quotation during the


Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern Great North of England Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle London Brighton and South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-western Midland North British South-eastern and Dover South-western York, Newcastle, and Berwick York and North Midland


East and West India London St. Katherine BANKOF ENGLAND,

An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 18th day of May 1830. ISSUE DEPARTMMST.

£20,963,005 • Government Debt £11,016,100 Other Securities 2,984,906 Gold Coin and Bullion ' 15,763,128 Sliver Bullion 809,877 429,963,005 £29,903,006 RANKINE. nzcsarazex.

Proprietors' Capital £14,333,000 Government Securities, On- Rest 3,109,812 eluding Dead WeightAanuity) £14,292,170

Public Deposits* 6,764,415 Other Securities 9,746,392

Other Deposits 9,682,999 Notes 10,494,480 Seven Day and other Bills 1,190,891 Gold and Silver Coin 668,074 £35,201,117 433,201,117 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Bahlui,CommistdonersofNational Debt, 11)BridendAceth, METALS. Perrin. - Copper, British Cakes £88 10 0 0 0 0

IrML, British Bars b 10 0 .. 0 0 0

Lead, British Pig 18 0 .. 0 0 0 Steel, Swedish Keg 14 10 0.. 15 0 0 GRAIN, Mark Lane, May 24.

Wheat,ILNew 37 to 38 Ry,e 22 to 28

Fine 38 —40 Barley 19-20

Old 38-40 i 9dalUng ... 23-24 Boilers ... 26-58

White 41-42 Malt, Ord. .. 46-48 Beans, Ticks. 26-27

Fine 42-44 Flue 48 —50 Did 27 —28

Super. New. 43 —46 Peas, Hog... 26 —27 Indian C4rn 20-30


Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the Week ending May 18. Wheat ... 38s Od.I Rye 20a. 9d. Wheat . 39s. 7d. Rye 21s. 7.1.

Barley .... 22 4 Beans 24 3 Barley 22 5 Beans 23 6 Oats 15 1 Peas 25 1 Oats 15 5 Peas 24 II PROVISIONS Butter—Best Fresh, Ils. od. per doz. Carlow, 0/. Os. to 01.0s. per cwt. Bacon, Irish per cwt. 49s. to 32s.

Cheese, Cheshire 46 — 70

Derby Plain 46 — 54 Hams, York 60 — 70 Eggs, French, per 120, 48. 3d. to Ss. 6d.


NE WOATZ AND LEADEN IIALL.• SMITMF/ELD.• c d. s. a. A el. s. el. 4. d. s. d.

Reef .. 2 4 to 2 8 to 3 0 24903 2 to 3 0

Mutton 2 6 — 3 0 — 3 6 3 4-38-4 Veal .. 2 4 — 8 0 — 3 10 3 0 — 3 10 — 4 2i

Pork .. 2 8 — 3 4 — 4 0 3 4 — 3 8 — 4 0L Lamb.. 4 0 — 4 8 — 4 0 4 8 — 5 0 — 3 4I • To sink the offal, per 81b.


York Regents per ton Os. to 140s.

Wisbech Regents 110 — 130 Scotch Reds 0 — IY

French Whites 60 — 70

HAY AND STRAW. (Per toad of 36 Trusses.) Cm/emits:us 8MITIIFIELD. WIIITECINATIL. Ray, Good 701. to 73s. Cis. to 70s. 63s. to 70s. Inferior 65 68 0 — 0 40 — 50 New 0— 0 0— 0 0— 0 Clover 80 — 58 60 -. 90 72 — 84 Wheat Straw 26 —48 21 — 28 30 — 26 GROCERIES.

Tea, Bolus, fine... per lb.• 0..1d. to Os. 3d.

Congos, Ithe 1 4 — I Souchong, flue 1 2 — 2

• In Bond—Daty PA. 14. per lb. Coffee, fine (In bond) per cwt. M. to 103s.

Good Ordinary 39 — 41

Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt 24s. bid.

West India Molasses 16s. Od. to Ills. Of BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Segued. Monday. Tuesday. Pledn. Thum Friday, 3 per Cent Console Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock, 8 per Cent India Stuck, 101 per Cent

Exchequer Bills, lid. per diem

India Bonds, 41 per Cent 951 951 951 95) 931 951 951 95/ 95) 96,.

941 941 94/ 93 stf 961 961 sbi 961 961

— 81 81 OI 91 — 206 206 207 2071 2671 267 267 269 2671 70 pm. 70 70 70 70 87 mu. 90 — 87 — FOREIGN FUNDS.

(Lost Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) 5 p. Ct. — Massachusetts (Sterling) 5,p. Ct 41 — — Mexican 11 Michigan 6 Mississippi (Sterling) 6 New York G&W 6 - Ohio 6 Pennsylvania li 661 Peruvian 4 - 831 Portuguese 6 — Dlito. 3 86f. 50c. Russian 6 — Spanish 6 42 Ditto 3 - Ditto (Passive) — 89 Ditto (Deferred)

— so Venezuela Active

Austrian Belgian Ditto 21 — — Brazilian 3 — 871 Buenos Ayres 6 — 611 Chilian 6 — 99 Danish - 3 — Dutch (Ex. 12 (Milder') -21 - Ditto 4 - French 3 - Ditto 3 -

Indiana (Sterling) a -

Illinois 6 - Kentucky - Louisiana (Sterling) 5 Maryland (Sterling) 5 108 ex d.

301 1091 76 107 17}


321 951 931

941 96

267 67 81 2071 87 81 71 7 219 621 94 371 801 4 1031 34 7

131 16131

17 142 121 821

Week ending Friday Evening.) BANKS—

Australasian British North American Colonial Conunereial of London London and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of London


Bolanos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Bey) Cobra Copper

Miscattserees- Australian Agricultural.

Canada General Steam Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mall Steam South Australian 42 23 261 171 42 12 6 141 15 30 26. 81 571 19 Notes issued BULLION. ; Per oz.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard • £3 17 9 Foreign Gold in Coin, Portugal Pieces 0 0 0

New Dollars 0 4 101 Silver in Burs, Standard 0 4 111

s. a,

Maple 28 to 29 White 24 —25

I. 111

Oats, Feed .. 160to 17

12-22 Palm* 12-12

Pine r. 19-20 Potato 19 —20 Fine .. 21-22 FLOUR.

Town-made per sack 37s. to 40s.

Seconds 34 — 37 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 30 — 32 Norfolk and Stockton 20 — 30 American 'pip barrel 20 23 Canadian 1 20 23 Bread, 514. to 614 the 4lb. loaf. READ 01 CATTLE AT BM

Redats Friday. Mony

3,57 da1 Sheep. 10,020 26,230 Calves. 347 176 Pigs . . 360 388 BOPS.

Kent Pockets 113s. to 130s.

Choice ditto 130 — 203

Sussex ditto 112 — 120

Farnham ditto 0 0

OILS, COALS, CANDLES. Rape 011 per cwt. £1 16 Refined 1 18 Linseed Oil 1 10 Linseed OD-Cake per 1000 9 10 Candles, per dozen, 4.. 6d. to Ss. 6d. Moulds (ed. per doz. discount) 7s. Od.

Coals, lietton 16 3 Tee, 0 0