A proposition to repeal so much of the 3 and 4 Victoria cap. 17 as im- poses an additional duty of ten per cent on Assessed and Window taxes, was brought forward by Mr. BLecitsrotrz; who reviewed the circumstances of deficiency under which the additional impost was laid on, and called for the removal of the temporary burden now that the temporary emergency is past. The CHANCELLOR of the Mecum:urea opposed the motion with a brevity which the subsequent lack of interest seemed to warrant ; Mr. BANHIM and Sir GEORGE PECHELL being the only Members who offered a word in its favour. Negatived, by 130 to 65.
Foreign policy was brought under cursory review by Mr. BAILLIE Commute, with assertions of our universal unpopularity on the Conti- nent, and interrogations as to the necessities that warranted the Minto mission. to the Italian States, or the successes that have justified it. Lord PALMERSTON, in a jocose style, referred Mr. Cochrane to the papers at home for that information which he had failed to acquire by foreign travel ; and pointed to the stability of the Sardinian crown as at least one good result of Lord Minto's advice when that was properly followed. Lord CLAUDE HAMILTON inquired whether the invasion of Austria was also among the happy results of his advice ? Lord PAIXERSTON replied, that it was one of those things done directly against it.
The rest of the evening was expended in criticism of divers Supply 'votes—chiefly of sums for public buildings, royal palaces, &c. ; Mr. Osnosura taking the lead with vivacious comments, and a pertinacious attempt to winnow the items of expenditure. The vote of 14,6721. for an ornamental enclosure in front of Buckingham Palace was explained by Sir Cmutises WOOD. It is intended to move the marble arch from its present position, and throw it across the Mall opposite to the entrance of the Stable-yard, enclosing it in an ornamental flower-garden, taken in from the Park, but continued open to the public. An iron palisade will replace the present hoarding in front of the Palace. The Earl of Lincoln's plan of placing the arch at the front of a new entrance to the Mall from Tra- falgar Square would be too expensive.
The vote of 104,6601. for the expenses of works at the New Palace, for 1850-1, gave. Mr. Osnonarz 24 opportunity to reventilate the question of the enormous difference between Mr. Barry's estimate (about 700,0001.) and the probable cost (about 4,000,0001.) of the Houses of Parliament: a variation which Sir Cgsausta WOOD and other Members first mitigated by explanatory defalle, and then showed to be the fault of the House itself, 'which had.ineisted on all the variations. Among the " additional " items are -1,50eV...for a wicking-room, and 3,0001. for "cupboards," &c., for the convenience of Members. Sir Its.wasstsr Hata. criticized the ornamental.effigies made "in a severe style free from violent action" ; whose narrow shoulders Mr. Thomas excuses by the narrowness of Mr. Barry's niches. Mr. HENRY Dismission's) discoursed practically on venti- lation • and many Members praised the ventilation of the House under Dr. Reid's system-s-trom thetemperature in an empty to that in a crowded *ate it varies only two or three degrees. Mr. GREENE stated, that in the :stew House, with recent modifications, the sittings for Members are 446 ; the present House, with the galleries, 456; in the old house it was 387. Mersa:mon Lord ROBERT GROSVENOR recalled the recommendation of the edminittee, that there should be sittings for 460, and galleries for all the rest ; a strangers'. gallery, for 200; and distinguished sittings for 100—in- *cad of a :more like, the pens in Smithfield than anything else. Sir Dtt 14cArEvifTe moved the vote in a new shape, reduced by the amount of 1;o5dt.; Ithe'Price of "three pictures for Peers' refreshment rooms,"] and in this form it was carried, by 94 to 75. Much cheering at the "defeat of Ministers."
The vote of 4521. for furniture in Dublin Castle was objected to. Sir CHARLES WOOD stated, that, assuming the bill for abolishing the Vice- royalty to become law, the Lord-Lienteniutt would not under any dr- .enmatances leave Dublin immediately: a circumstance .Mr. MAURICE 'Q'CONNY.LL thought Ominous. that Government is getting ashamed of the -bill: Vote-passed.
- The Hotile theti hammed ; and, after formally forwarding a few mea- - Sures, adjoin:nest • '•