Monday, May 27. Supply: Mr. Hamilton to move an address on the subject of Dish Education.
Supply: Report. Court of Chancery (Ireland) Bill : Third reading.
Elections (Ireland) Bill: Third reading. Nineteen other Bills.
Tuesday, May 28. Emigration of Orphan Girls to Australia.—Mr. William Miles. Church of Ireland : Committee of the whole House, to consider the means b which the Church revenue may be rendered most efficient for the wellbeing the people of Ireland—Mr. Roebuck.
Wednesday, May 29. No business set down. Thursday, May 30. Post-office : to call attention to the question of the total cessa- tion of Sunday labour—Lord Ashley. The Jews : in Committee of the whole House, to move for leave to bring in a Bill to "regulate the mode of administering the Oath of Abjuration to per- sons professing the Jewish Religionj"—Lord John Russell. Friday, June 1. Money Payment of Wages (Ireland) Bill : Committee. Railways Abandonment Bill: as amended to be considered.
Stamp Duties (No. 2) Bill : Second reading. Seven other Bills.
Slave Labour Sugar : That it is unjust and impolitic to expose the free-grown sugar of the British Colonies and Possessions abroad to a competition with the sugar of foreign alave-holding and slave-trading countries—Sir Edward Bux- ton. If that motion be agreed to, to move an addition—" While at the same time the British Government interposes difficulties that prevent the Colonies from procuring a sufficient supply of free labourers from Africa and other places, that might enable those colonies to compete in the production of sugar with the foreign slave-holding and slave-trading countries"—Mr. Hume. Slave Labour : Resolution in a Committee of the whole House respecting the exclusion of the produce of slave labour—Mr. Grantley. Berkeley.