A serious accident occurred yesterday mornin g at the works which
are going on at the Euston-road, St. Pancras, for the Metropolitan or Underground Rail- way, by the givingway of a largeportion of the earthworks. On Thursday afternoon the works were going on as usual, when the foreman of Mr„ Jay, the contractor, engaged in the portion of the tunnel between Judd-street and Wilated-street, first saw that the earth on either side appeared to be a little loose. Nothing, however, of importance was noticed until between oqp and two o'clock the next morning, when from the cracking of the earth and the creaking of the timbers danger was apprehended, so mach so that the foot pavement was at once stopped, and no one allowed to pass. Small portions of earth kept falling from that time until about three o'clock, when a large portion of earth gave way on the north side of the road. Fortunately, the workmen, baiting been apprised of the danger, none of them were injured. Shortly afterwards another fall took place, and about four o'clock the whole of the earth in front of the pavement, on the north side, the pavement itself, and the walls and railings in front of no less than eight houses fell in with a tremendous crash, the noise resembling a dreadful explosion. The fall caused the houses to shake, and the inhabitants, being alarmed, rushed oat, fearing that their houses were about to falL The whole of the gas, water, telegraph, and other pipes fell in and were destroyed, and the heavy;timber which was used for supporting the earth on either side was broken in half. Workmen were immediately engaged in shoring up the ways and houses, and in stopping the water and gas pipes, for both being full on great danger was to be apprehended. The other portions of the work, notwithstanding the accident, are going on as usual. A large number of workmen are engaged in removing the debris. it may be stated that the forecourts and the pavement on the south side are much cracked and in a dangerous state.