The Derby was a grand day for those who dislike
"sporting men." An unprecedented number of them were ruined. They had found out that Mr. Chaplin's horse, the Hermit, had burst a blood-vessel and was out of training, and bid against him with the eagerness they always display when quite sure of winning. The day, however, was wild, the course soft, the Hermit in excellent condition, though "looking miserably," and he came in first, throwing all the "prophets" into despair. They had fixed on Vauban, who was only third. Mr. Chaplin wins some great sum,—varying from 80,000/. to 200,0001., according to the ima- gination of the story-teller,—and Daley, the jockey who rode the winner, received 8,000/. What the horse got is not recorded. It is stated that half a million of " good " money had been laid against the Hermit, but we should like to see Messrs. Turquand and Coleman verify that calculation. Mr. Chaplin should found a gold cup for the Derby. The winner at present gets endless cash, but no visible trophy which his friends can admire.