..Mr. Osborne also gave Mr. Roebuck a rather telling Par-
liamentary castigation. He described him as "coming for. sward like a dove, and perching with his olive branch upon Ireland," and asked since when he had entertained these very satisfactory opinions of the state of Ireland. In 1352 Mr. Roebuck had described Ireland as "occupied, but not governed." Yet he was now descanting on the perfections of the very "mild" Vrotestant Church. "Roebuck on the Church" suggested for Abe first tune that it might really be a Church in danger. It was ef rom Mr. Roebuck, said Mr. Osborne, that he himself had first received instruction on the matter of Ireland. He once used to repeat Mr. Roebuck's speeches on the subject by heart. But now Mr. Roebuck, like an old actor who was Once content to play to the gallery, averts his face from his old admirers, and plays to the pit of the Treasury Bench. Mx. Osborne protested against the 'Irish people mistaking the dyspepsia of the Member for Sheffield for the true opinion of the House of Commons. It is a curious and interesting fact to hear that Mr. Osborne learned his politics, as he says, at Mr. Roebuck's feet. Paul at the feet of Gamaliel learned where the weak points of Gamalielisin were, and used his knowledge when the proper time came. And Mr. Osborne at Mr. -Roebeek'sdeet has learned where the bilious school of politics is Waist vulnerable, and he, too, does not hesitate to apply his gathered wisdom.