the Clarendon Press Series, which one and all fill a
gap in our national as in our educatiobal litereture, ir. chamber:lee. manual of astra now is worthy of the series. To rise Ida own phrase, it is popular with.* being vapid, and scientific without being unduly technical. It is not easy to give even a general idea of its contents in the short space at our disposal, as our readers' will understand when we say that the book contains 816 pages. Beginning with the sun and the planets; it goes on lo describe eclipses, both in their nature and in their chief manifestations, comets, their history and statistics, the astronomy of time, the stars, and the practical appliances of astronomers. This is but an imperfect summary, yet if we ones entered into any of the details of Mr. Chambers's work we should never come to an end. The book is as inexhaustible as its subject. •