The Roman correspondent of the Times mentions a fact which,
if it is correct, is of importance, but which we can scarcely believe. He asserts that in the census taken in December 11,000 persons in the single city of Palermo described themselves as " Old Catholics." The party in Italy has published its programme, drawn up by a committee of which Father Hyacinthe is president, and it differs considerably from that of Dr. Dollinger. The Old Catholics in Italy deny the cecumenicity of the Vatican Council, "confess Christ as the sole Redeemer "—a blow, we imagine, though we are not sure, at the excesses of Mariolatry—and appear inclined to abolish all changes in the Church introduced since the eighth century. They affirm that they will not found a new sect, but as they scarcely expect the Church to rescind the decrees of the Council of the Vatican, this must be a mere phrase, intended to conceal from themselves the magnitude of the changes they meditate.