25 MAY 1889, Page 2

The Boulangist group have not hitherto been a success in

London. The General himself has not been wisely advised, and has dined with the wrong people ; and his principal sup- porter among Reds, M. Rochefort, has been involved in a public squabble, and directed by a Magistrate to find securities. While walking in Regent Street on Saturday, he was struck by a M. Pilotel, an old Communist, who had been, as he admitted, sentenced in England to six months' imprisonment, and who wished to force him to a duel. M. Rochefort, it seems, always carries a revolver, and drew it out, but without removing it from its case. M. Pilotel, in retreating, fell down, and as the Magistrate believed, M. Rochefort kicked him on the ground. Mr Hannay considered the whole affair trivial, but in consequence of the kick, bound M. Rochefort over to keep the peace. We do not know that M. Rochefort was to blame, except for carrying a revolver ; but in England all revolutionary parties except the Irish are required to be careful of their dignity.