25 MAY 1889, Page 24

BOOKS RECEIVEO.—Unfoldings of Christian Life. By C. B. Waller, M.A.

Second edition. (Began Paul, Trench, and Co.)— Matriculation Questions on the English Language. By F. W. Levander, F.R.A.S. Second edition, with Appendices. (H. K. Lewis.)—The Book Fund and its Work, 1888. (Passmore and Alabaster.)—Dod's Handbook to the London County Council. (George Bell and Sons, and Whittaker and Co.)—Official Year- Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland, 1889. (Griffin and Co.)—Our Heredity front God. By E. P. Powell. Third edition. (D. Appleton and Co., New York.) —Ward and Lock's Shilling Pictorial Guide to Paris.