25 MAY 1889, Page 24

Tales of the Seven Deadly Sins : being the "

Confessio Antantis" of John Gower. Edited by Henry Morley, LL.D. (Routledge and Sons.)—This is the second volume of Professor Morley's " Canis- brooke Library," a series which, in outward appearance at least, is a notable improvement on its predecessor. In his introduction, the editor tells us the little that is known about Gower. His text has been carefully revised, and brings out especially by its accentuated syllables the easy flow of Gower's verse. Glossarial foot-notes explain any words that have become obsolete or have changed their significance. In fact, Professor Morley has done all that he could for his author. We hope that he will find him readers ; but it must be owned that the " Confessio Amantis " bears a peculiarly close resemblance to that " Rime of Sir Thopas " which the host so impatiently interrupted. Thirty thousand verses make somewhat of a wilderness, and it might have been as well if the editor had pointed out some of the prospects which the traveller might select for enjoyment.