25 MAY 1889, Page 45

Cycloptedia of Education. Arranged and edited by Alfred Ewen Fletcher.

(Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—The "List of Principal Contributors" which the editor has prefixed to this cyclopEedia contains some names that are a guarantee of good work. We may mention among them Canon Blore, Professor E. A. Sonnenschein, Mr. A. Sidgwick, Principal Donaldson, and Mr. H. Courthopo Bowen. It would have been well if the articles had been signed. If this is not done, the list means very little. It is not difficult, indeed, to assign such an article as " Verse-Writing," an excellent essay which one can hardly be wrong in attributing to Mr. A. Sidgwick. But who is responsible for the curious omission, under the head of " Standards," where, among the reasons why " children of much older years [than should be] are to be found in each standard," stupidity is not mentioned ? Some writers on educa- tional matters seem to fancy that all children are naturally of the same capacity. One may speculate, too, on the source of the essay on " Swedenborgianism in Relation to Education." But many of the articles are very good, whoever may be their authors. Of the learned kind, " University Robes " may be mentioned. " Textual Criticism" is an excellent summary of its subject. Altogether, the volume may be safely recommended as a generally useful book of reference.