The American Government has performed an act of remarkable courtesy
towards that of Great Britain. Admiral Meade, in command of the American squadron off Nicaragua, it appears, expressed publicly his regret that he had no instruc- tions from his Government to resist British action at Corinto by fore,. This display of feeling was of course most unwise, as it might have involved his Government in a dispute with a friendly Power, and the Naval Department, with many expressions of regret at the loss of so good an officer, " retired " Admiral Meade. That is generous of the Washing- ton Government, and we think our own might take occasion to display equal good feeling by requesting that Admiral Meade should be restored. He has the reputation of a most excellent officer, he has probably got the Monroe doctrine too strongly into his head, and the destiny of England will not be bent aside by a few hot words. Admiral Meade, for all his opinions, waited dutifully for instructions, and his conduct, though it involved a sort of threat, did not involve an insult.