The French Chamber has elected its Budget Committee for the
Session, and it consists of sixteen Moderates, sixteen Radicals, and one Socialist. It is believed that this result will be fatal to the Government, for the Radicals are deter- mined to supersede M. Ribot's taxes in favour of an Income- tax, the Premier's proposals, especially his tax on female domestic servants, being condemned as at once puerile and oppressive. The servants, in particular, are in great alarm, as they say the tax will be deducted from their wages. We doubt whether France is yet prepared to bear an Income-tax, which is universally regarded as inquisitorial ; but un- doubtedly the serious men of all parties are getting alarmed by the difficulty of supplying the deficits. There is a strong demand for further economies, and a growing feeling that the expedition to Madagascar, which has already cost £6,000,000, is very ill advised. It will cost a great deal more than that, if, as reported this week from Majunga, "King Fever" is paralysing the regiments before they have reached the foot of the long ascent to Antananarivo.