A Broadcasting Calendar
FRIDAY, MAY 25th 18.3o Old English Music : Northern Studio Orchestra .. N.R. 19.10 Flower Shows : Beverley Nichols .. .. N. 19.30 Along the Roman Road : G. M. Boumphrey. An open-
- .air series . 20.15 Erening in Budapest : short story told by Robert Speight
with music, tzigane and otherwise L.R., &c. 21.00 B.B.C. Concert of C6ntemporary Music-7. Bela Bart6k programme. Bela Bartok (pianoforte), B.B.C. Symphony
Orchestra, &c... L.R., &c. zI.zo Wings of the Morning. Repeat performance of Lance
Sieveking's play of a crime in the fourth dimension .. N. 22.35 Short Story-The Red Lantern : Richard Hughes ; . N.
SATURD NY, MAY 26th 10.45 A Traveller in Search of Music : Philip Thornton
14.30 Sixth National Eisteddfod of the Children of Wales .. N.
18.30 The New Amateur Golf Champion : Bernard Darwin .. N. 19.00 Midland String Quartet. Mozart, &c. M.R. 19.05 Island Tour-The Inner Hebrides : S. P. B. Mais N.
19.30 In Town Tonight N. 20.00 Festival Concert by Prizewinners from Glasgow and Edin-
burgh Musical Festivals and the Verse-Speaking Festival .. S.R. 21.15 The Week in Scotland : George Blake .. • .. S.R 21.20 Time to Sparc-What Clubs can Do .. N, SUNDAY, MAY 27th
1440 Three Elizabethan Actors-Alleyn, Richard Burbage, Will
Kemp : G. B. Harrison, Ph.D. .. N. 17.30 Men in the Making in Kashmir : Eric Tyndale-Biscoe .. N. 17.45 Spencer Dyke String Quartet and Betty Humby. Beet- hoven, Weber, Novacek N. 18.15 Poems by Cecil Day Lewis, read by himself .. M.R. 19.55 Service from Croydon Parish Church : the Bishop of
Croydon N. 20.00 Service from Carr's Lane Congregational Church, Bir- mingham : Rev. Gwilym Griffiths .. M.R. 20.00 Public Meeting on the National Church Extension Scheme
in Scotland, from - Edinburgh : The Moderator of the General Assembly and Colonel John Buchan, M.P., Lord
High Commissioner .. S.R. 21.05 Melodies of Christendom, under the direction of Sir
Walford Davies : the Wireless Singers • . N.
22.05 B.B.C. Orchestra, cond. John Barbirolli L.R.
MONDAY, MAY z8th 10.45 Speeding : Sir. Malcolm Campbell ..
28.50 Current Fiction : Francis Hackett .. .. N. 19.30 The Treaty of Versailles-How the Treaty looks to France Today : Professor Denis Saurat N. 20.35 Die Meistersinger, Act II, from Covent Garden L.R.•
21.15 The Week-end on the,Road : G. H. Stancer N.
21.20 Mind, the Doctor-What is the Normal ? : by a Doctor N.
22.30 Gramophone Records : Christopher Stone.. .. L.R. 21.35 Two Scandinavian Plays-Three Trappers from the Danish, The Copy from the Norwegian ..
TUESDAY, MAY 29th 10.45 Vegetable Pies and Puddings : Emilie Waller .. N.
14.05 Bird Protection-2. Eggs : Eric Parker (to schools) .. N. 18.30 Chamber Music and Choral from St. Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh .. S.R. 19.00 The Peasant Cantata : Bach .. 29.25 Common Property-3. Fountains Abbey and Whalley .. N.R. 19.30 The Story of Sherborne Abbey-Re-Dedication of the Lady Chapel .. W.R. 20.30 The Web of Thought and Action-How Do We Evolve ? :
Professor Levy and Professor Doris Mackinnon ..N. 20.35 " Picture People "-Variety programme compiled from
the sound-track of recent films .. L.R. 22.30 Arabe//a (Strauss), Act III, from Covent Garden N.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 3oth 20.45 Thinking _Mond : A. G. Street .. .. N.
18.5o Science in the Making : Gerald Heard .. .. N. 19.05 For Farmers Only : John Morgan and other farmers discuss the Bath and West .. N.
29.3o The Adult Offender : Lt.-Col. Sir Vivian Henderson, M.P. N. 19.55 Northern Eloquence-9. Speech by Andrew Marvell, M.P., N.B. 20.25 Choir and Cloister-6. Peterborough-Music of organ and choir. The last of the series L.R., M.R., N.R.
21.20 The Theatre : James Agate .... N. 21.35 Symphony Concert : B.B.C. Orchestra, cond. Albert.
Coates, in Russian music ..
THURSDAY, MAY 31st 10.45 The Year in Whitehall : Mrs. Oliver Strachey 19.30 From Tolpuddk to T.U.C.-a contrOversialdiscussion on
Trade Unionism ..N. zo.00 "'A Tedious Brief Scene "-freely adapted from the clown scenes in Midsummer Night's Dream .. W.R.20.15 In Praise of Scotland-5. The North East .C.ornerS-.1
20.3o La Bobtme, Act I, from Covent Garden N.
21.0o " A Stranger in these Parts "-a tourist's guide to Wales : Edmund Vale .. W.R.
22.05 Folk Songs of Many Lands-sung by Engel Lund N. Foundations of Music (18.30 N.)
May 25th. Beethoven's Pianoforte Sonatas : Edward Isaacs.
May 28th, 29th, 3oth, 3rit. Beethoyen's Pianoforte Sonatas : John