, The favourable impression created by the Annual Report of
the. British, Match. Corporation, was _strengthened by the statements at the recent annual meeting, a notice of which appeared in our last issue. In the course of his remarks, the Chairman- stated that- the Home trade had given continued evidence of-the value of the goodwill of the businesses, and the .fiftieth annual meeting of the Corporation certainly finds the Corporation in a 'state" of continued prosperity. Com- menting upon the balance-sheet, the Chairman remarked that the item of goethriltk being steadily reduced, and is expeited to be reduced-to £560,000 next year The V.,orporation has a good holding of Government Securities, the-market value of which-at the time of Abe Chairman's speech was _some -£S,000 more than shown in the accounts.
A. W. K.