24 MAY 1945, Page 14


sn4—In his article on Germans at Oxford, Dr: C. K. Allen ment:ons Prof. C. Brinkinanif of Heidelberg as one of die 'only three' Rhodes Scholart who have followed an academic.career (and)are all, distinguished and piolifiC in theit several fields." While in no way challenging Prof. Brinkmann's scientific achievements I wonder Whether your correspondent has had any evidence as to the former's political propaganda activities. Having listened to several of Prof. Brinfortarin'S lectures at Heidelberg University I can well remember his passion attacks against the " bis an die Zahne bewaffneten Nachbal eineS waiiinseri Detitschlands " and that in 1930, at a time when there was not even an excuse of • Nazi terror against purportedly harmleas scientists. When, however, address- ing British audiences Prof. Brinkinaan presented himself as a'_triae friend of this country, apparently not without success-Yours faidaftiffy, Dr: r. - A:: ICRomsTEN. Polish Ministry of Finance, 27, Albemarle Street, W. r.