"A Sleep of Prisoners"
SIR,—I have just seen Mr. W. P. Jackson's letter in the Spectator of May 4th, in which he forcibly points out my error in interpreting the last scene in Christopher Fry's play A Sleep of Prisoners. First let me say that I readily apologise as Mr. Jackson demands, to the author, producer and actors. A mistake such as this is significant, however, the more especially as 1 listened very attentively to the play, and did indeed sec it through to the end, which Mr. Jackson doubts. It is even more significant when one finds that no less an authority than the dramatic critic of The Church Times has -made the same mistake. I do not know how this critic arrived at 'his error, for he is unknown tome; but another critic with whom I discussed the play was also under the impression that. Jonah and the Whale was the theme repre-