[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened alter noon on Tuesday week,
lune 5th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
• • • • • • 11••••• \ • kill III
••• I NI NA • I• 111•1111••••• 11. NI • Ki MEM • ••••• • • • •
I. Implements of play that should be used as seldom as possible. (4, 5.) 9. Good pull up for opera. (6.)
10. Establishment in which a course takes a small jump. (5, 4.) 11. Unruffled. (6.) 12. A hundred and fifty go to the wooden apartment. (9.) 13. Outstanding mitigation. (6.) 17. He wasn't an artist in crime. (5, 3, 7.) 18. He makes one ill. (6.) 22. They provide music on a sort of sliding scale. (9.) 23. Second-rate works party. (3. 3.) 24. Old ruler who, evidently, did not sup- port his father. (9.)
25. A university term rather than expres- sion. (6.) 26. Sect in Lee (snag.). (9.)
2. Otherwise an unfit stream it seems. (6.)
3. No fame for him possibly. (6.) 4. They proverbially pay. (6.) 5, It provides, no doubt, a volume of information. (4, 2. 9.) 6. " Self Help " is the book to read when eating here. (9.) 7. "Good name in man and woman .. , is the - jewel of their souls (Shakespeare). (9-) • 8. Dangerous situation, largely of course, a matter of range. (5, 4.) 14. Adventurous Ambrose. (9.) IS. It is literally liable to storm and boil. (9.) 16. Food for nothing ? (9.) 19. "A Cut-purse of the - and the rule" (Shakespeare). (6.) 20. High-voiced horse looks blue. (6.) 21. Anne and me for the games. (6.)