SIR,—The article by Strix entitled Storage' (Spectator, April 27) contains
erroneous assertion that Wilson and Bower wrote nothing from their last camp 10 Antarctic, all the writing being done by Sc,°w', even to Wilson's wife and Bowers's moe,, Reference to the ,closing stages of Georr, Seaver's books, Edward Wilson of Antarctic and 'Birdie' Bowers of the Antatctil both published by John Murray, will 0'3; that Wilson wrote two letters to his ori`,1 extracts from which are quoted, and onc,,' his friends, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Salh' quoted in full, while Bowers did write to 10 mother, this fetter also being quoted in full.- Yours faithfully, IIUGH P. RAM-6 IIUGH P. RAM-6 Thatched House, Holt, Norfolk [Strix writes: '1 apologise for a serio' mistake which several other readers ha' written to correct. The official account (Scoff Last Expedition, Vol. I) does not mention Ill letters written by Wilson and Bowers; and d' account is so compendious and detailed' most of Scott's letters are reprinted in full' that the absence of any reference to tilos written by his companions led me to a friD premise. But I have no excuse for not consul ing their biographies before writing was, in effect, a lot of nonsense.'—Edit° Spectator.]